
A C language interpreter.

Primary LanguageC++


A C language interpreter.



  • g++ with c++14 support
  • flex & byacc/bison
  • Python3

Build the interpreter, run

cd c_interpreter

Now we have cint at c_interpreter/


Run the command ./cint [input_code]. The program reads the C code from the file, and output at stdout.


Run ./auto_test.py to invoke automatic testing for interpreting execution.

Run ./jit_test.py to invoke automatic testing for JIT execution.

Unit Test Cases


Test Point Description Test Case
Define long variable long_basic
Initialize long variable by long literal long_basic
Initialize long variable by long variable long_basic
Assign long variable by long literal long_basic
Assign long variable by long variable long_basic
Assign long variable to itself long_basic
Define double variable float_basic
Initialize double variable by double literal float_basic
Initialize double variable by double` variable float_basic
Assign double variable by double literal float_basic
Assign double variable by double variable float_basic
Assign double` variable to itself float_basic
Initialize long variable by double literal float2long
Initialize long variable by double variable float2long
Assign long variable by double literal float2long
Assign long variable by double variable float2long
Initialize double variable by long literal long2float
Initialize double variable by long variable long2float
Assign double variable by long literal long2float
Assign double variable by long variable long2float


Test Point Description Test Case
Apply negate operator on long literal binary_basic
Apply negate operator on long variable binary_basic
Apply not operator on long literal binary_basic
Apply not operator on long variable binary_basic
Apply negate operator on double literal binary_basic
Apply negate operator on double variable binary_basic
Apply not operator on double literal binary_basic
Apply not operator on double variable binary_basic
Cascading assign operation binary_basic
Apply add operator between long literals and variables ternary_arithmic_basic
Apply sub operator between long literals and variables ternary_arithmic_basic
Apply mul operator between long literals and variables ternary_arithmic_basic
Apply div operator between long literals and variables ternary_arithmic_basic
Apply mod operator between long literals and variables ternary_arithmic_basic
Apply add operator between double literals and variables ternary_arithmic_basic
Apply sub operator between double literals and variables ternary_arithmic_basic
Apply mul operator between double literals and variables ternary_arithmic_basic
Apply div operator between double literals and variables ternary_arithmic_basic


Test Point Description Test Case
Single if statement if_basic
If and else statement if_basic
Two consecutive if statements if_basic
Two consecutive if and else statements if_basic
Nested if statements if_basic
Nested if and else statements if_basic
Chained if else if else statements if_basic
Not operation if_basic
And operation if_basic
Or operation if_basic
Not and and operation if_basic
Not and or operation if_basic
Not and and and or operation if_basic
Single while loop while_basic
Nested while loop while_basic
While loop with break while_basic
While loop with continue while_basic
Nested while loop with break in the inner loop while_basic
Nested while loop with continue in the inner loop while_basic


Test Point Description Test Case
One dimensional array array_basic
Multi-dimensional array array_basic
Passing one-dimensional array without specific length as arguments array_basic
Passing one-dimensional array with specific length as arguments array_basic
Passing multi-dimensional array with specific length as arguments array_basic
Modify array element by functions array_basic


Test Point Description Test Case
Struct containing a single builtin type struct_basic
Struct containing an array struct_basic
Struct forming an array struct_basic
An array of structs which contain an array struct_basic
Nested struct struct_basic
Assigning a struct struct_basic
Returning a struct from a function struct_basic
Passing a struct as an argument struct_basic


Test Point Description Test Case
Function of returning type void function_basic
Function of returning type other than void function_basic
Function with no parameter function_basic
Function modifying non-array argument will not affect the original variable function_basic
Function modifying array argument will affect the original array function_basic
Function with return argument in the middle of the body function_basic
Passing function return value as function arguments function_basic
Return a function return value function_basic
Recursive function function_basic

Additional Test Cases


  • Invoke function.
  • Pass literal as function argument.
  • Initialize long variable by literal.


  • Output the first 1000 prime numbers beginning with 11.

JIT Test Cases

JIT Primes

  • Judgement of primes is done in JIT compiled function

JIT Array

  • Pass an array to JIT compiled function, and let it fill the array.

JIT Return

  • Test returning value from a JIT function.

JIT Struct

  • Test passing structure array to JIT function.
  • Test modifying structure field in JIT function.

JIT Robust

  • Test falling back to interpreting mode when the function is not qualified to run in JIT mode, including cases below
  • When the function returns value other than void or long
  • When the function has parameter other than array or long
  • When the function has more than 6 parameters