
This project is a very simple Android Project aimed at getting you to implement some simple concepts that are very important as far as Android Development is concerned.

In this project, you are going to implement a mobile design of the GADS 2020 Leaderboard. The mobile App will display Top 20 learners in the Learning Leaders’ category and Top 20 learners in the Skill IQ Leaders’ category.

This project will help you understand:

  1. Multi-Activity Project
  2. View pager
  3. Customizing Toolbar
  4. RecyclerView
  5. Making Network Request
  6. Working with Google Form and many more...

SDK Requirements used

  • Minimum SDK Requirement - android API 21 (Lollipop)
  • Target SDK - android API 30 (Android 11)

Dependencies used


To run this code, clone this repository and import into android studio

git clone https://github.com/Uticodes/AAD-Phase-2-Practice-Project.git


    Screen1 Screen2 Screen3 Screen4 Screen5 Screen6 Screen6

If you learnt anything from the project kindly star and follow


  • Utibe Etim