Lost In Translation

Uses the Google Translate API to take input text, translate through a configured number of random languages and then back to English again. Probably quite garbled and hopefully funny.

I wrote a blog post inspired by this code that is a small rambling nostalgia trip. Check it out I guess.


Start: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Languages: Lao, Scots Gaelic, Welsh, Japanese, Kurdish, Yoruba, Portugese, Finnish
End: The speed of the coffee cup is wasted.
Start: Look you stupid bastard, you've got no arms left
Languages: Dutch, Romanian, Uzbek, Zulu, Chinese (Simplified), Esperanto, Tajik, Finnish
End: New prostate cells


npm install


Add your Google Cloud API Key, text to translate, and number of languages within translate.js. Run with npm start.

Copyright / License

MIT, do what you want