
A package to resolve twitter URLs to new canonically hosted twitter backups

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A package to resolve twitter URLs to new canonically hosted twitter backups.


npm install @tweetback/canonical


// Returns "https://www.zachleat.com/twitter/"

// Returns "https://twitter.11ty.dev/"

Works with status URLs:

// Returns "https://www.zachleat.com/twitter/123"

Other features:

  • Passthrough any valid URLs as normal.
  • Preserves trailing slashes (trailing slashes are optional)
  • Normalizes duplicate slashes in the pathname

Add your own Twitter Archive:

You needn’t use tweetback to add your archive here. The only requirement here is that your archive has URL parity and has individually addressable URLs for each status.

Just create a PR with your addition to the mapping.js file and we’ll have a look!