Status: no roadmap, fixes and minor improvements from now on. AccuTheme "redux" in the works (20230305 JRF).
Maintenance: of THIS template project, periodic upkeep on dependencies and related
VS Code Setup: from scratch, new machine, etc.
- Initial setup - you are starting from scratch
- Cloning locally - first time adding this project to your machine
- Next steps <<< ESSENTIAL <<<
- DNN site already deployed
- NVM-Windows to manage your Node versions
- Node/NPM -
Engines/Node for required versions - TBD: do we need to initially install NodeJS package the normal way first or is it okay to only install using NVM?
Navigate to the directory where you want to store the project, copy the GitHub URL, and then run the following commands in your terminal:
git clone _GITHUB_URL_HERE_
OPTIONAL - install these Repos if you plan to update them or want the code available locally
- AccuCode - AccuKit and other Dnn standard utilities in /App_Code
- AccuCUE - Accuraty's 2sxc shared assets, utilities, helpers, etc.
Make sure your terminal's CWD (current working directory) is the root of the project (the folder where you just cloned the main project in to), then run the following commands:
git clone ./dnn/App_Code
git clone ./dnn/Portals/0/2sxc/Content/Accu
copy .vscode/AccuTheme.gitmodules .gitmodules
--- end of OPTIONAL ---
If you are using Visual Studio Code, navigate to the .vscode/
directory. Duplicate sftp.json.example
, configure it with your credentials, and save it as sftp.json
to continue.
Open package.json, and remove the line under "scripts" (line 7) "preinstall": "npx npm-force-resolutions",
and save
Next, run npm install
. If you did not remove the line from package.json the install will fail until you do.
After the install is finished, npm run build
will automatically run. This compiles assets (styles, scripts, etc.), but Gulp won't stay in "watch" mode.
Back in package.json, add the line "preinstall": "npx npm-force-resolutions",
back to package.json, and save.
Run npm install
one more time.
Run npm start
This will kick off the Gulp tasks to optimize and compile assets (images, styles, scripts, etc.). It will also continue watching for changes to source files.
To exit "watch" mode, press Control-C
in your terminal.
To start watching again, run npm start
Because you cloned the repository using the GitHub URL, your local repo's origin
is properly set. However, if you get an error message when you try to push your changes up to remote, it's because you do not have permission to write to the private repo.
Make sure (1) your GitHub credentials are correct, or (2) your GitHub username is added as a collaborator on this project.
The Accuraty Solutions Bootstrap 4.6 based theme starter kit for DNN projects.
- customized Bootstrap with Bootstrap Icons
- JS module bundling
- CSS optimizations
- media file optimizations (images, SVG, videos)
- linting (opinionated?)
- favicon generator, move to Webpack
- package to Dnn Zip installer (Webpack)
- converted from CJS to ESM in Sep 2021
- Node works v16.13+ LTS (Dec 2021)
- Reconfigure for multi-project (Jan 2022)
- improved SCSS file structure
- improved workflow supporting Modes; deploy, setup, design, develop, staging, golive, production
- convert monolithic Build to minimum or configurable
- more utility tasks (like package and favicons)
- utility to switch Modes and optionally build
- convert Gulp tasks to Webpack (or newer??)
- rework AccuTheme and AccuKit utilities (see JRF, AccuCode)
- rework Env/Config/Settings for Workflow and Mode; Presets/Defaults, Client/Project, Modes
- Boostrap v5 ??
- TailwindCSS ?? (re-architect deploy/setup)