
CSC2002S - Assignment 3 - Basic Android Image Viewer

Primary LanguageJava

Assignment 3 - Basic Android Image Viewer

Author: Jethro Muller

Student Number: MLLJET001

Date: 4 September 2014


Basic Image Viewer application. Shows all images in the root directory of your device. Each image is displayed above the navigation controls.

There is a button for previous, start slideshow and next.

It has basic gesture functionality in that you can swipe to change images.


  1. Have an android phone with USB Debugging enabled. ([Instructions for the latter] (http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html#developer-device-options))

  2. Navigate to the root directory of this project.

  3. Run ./gradlew build

  4. With your android phone plugged in, run ./gradlew installDebug. This will install the application directly to your phone.

  5. Run the application on your phone.
