Full Automation Recon tool which works with Small and Medium scopes.
ّIt's recommended to use it on VPS, it'll discover secrets and searching for vulnerabilities
So, Welcome and let's deep into it <3
- Upgrading to python3
- Adding Bash version, if you have any problem with Python.
- Fixing multiple issues with the used tools.
- Editing the tool's methedology, you can check it there :)
- Editing the selected tools, change some and use more tools
- Editing some processes to be as a user option like directory bruteforcing and port scan
$ su -
Because some of tools and dependencies will need the root permission
chmod +x install_tools.sh
python 3klcon.py -t target.com
4. Check that you already installed the last version of GO because some tools require to be updated!
[+] If you face any problem at the installation process, check that:
1. You logged in as ROOT user not normal user
2. Check that you installed the GO language and this path is exist /root/go/bin
[+] It will take almost 5 ~ 6 hours running if your target is a medium. So, be Patient or use VPS and sleep while running :)
[+] It will collect all the result into one directory with your target name
[+] Some of tools may need your reaction like entering your GitHub's 2FA or username, password, etc.
- Subfinder
- Assetfinder
- Altdns
- Dirsearch
- Httpx
- Waybackurls
- Gau
- Git-hound
- Gitdorks.sh
- Naabu
- Gf
- Gf-templetes
- Nuclei
- Nuclei-templets
- Subjack
- Port_scan.sh