
A compact, easy-to-assemble SlimeVR tracker design using all the standard recommended DIY tracker parts, and the commonly available 16340 battery.

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A compact, easy-to-assemble SlimeVR tracker design using all the standard recommended DIY tracker parts, and the commonly available 16340 battery. Screenshot of AceStacks V1 Trackers


AceStacks is a compact, easy-to-assemble SlimeVR tracker design using all the standard recommended DIY tracker parts, and the commonly available 16340 battery. Here are some of the standout features of the AceStacks trackers.

  • The use of the included pin sockets of the D1 Mini allows the MCU to be mounted over the charging board, resulting in a compact PCB footprint.
  • The design of the board reduces the number of pin headers that need to be trimmed, one of the more annoying parts of DIY trackers with PCBs.
  • 16340 cells are easier to obtain (in the United States, not sure about the rest of the world), relatively cheap, more durable compared to li-po pouch cells, and hot swappable if you need more battery life

This arrangement allows for a compact full body tracker with ~8 hours of battery life, battery sense, AUX tracker support, and a hot swappable battery.


Refer to the Official SlimeVR Component Guide for more info https://docs.slimevr.dev/diy/components-guide.html

Required Parts

Optional Parts

For battery percentage

For Removable Extensions



Assembly Video



AceStacks Specific Setup

Information related to the ports, battery, and layout for the AceStacks Tracker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQLkWUqJBMk

  • There are two ports, the bottom USB C port is for charging the battery, though the battery can be removed and charged in an appropriate Lithium Ion battery charger.
  • The top Micro-USB port is for data. You’ll use the data port during initial setup to configure the wi-fi and to debug the trackers if necessary.
  • SlimeVR trackers are programmed with a set orientation. As programmed, AceStacks should be worn on the body such that the USB ports are facing the ceiling. This only matters for manual mounting.

Data Port Quirks

The USB cable may not fully seat in the data port, preventing a proper data connection with the tracker. If you’re having trouble connecting, try the following

  • Hold and firmly press the cable into the tracker to form a proper connection
  • Use a USB cable with, or trim back the rubber sheath on a cable to allow you to insert the USB cable further into the port
  • If neither of the above work, you may need to partially disassemble the tracker, remove the microcontroller, and connect directly to the usb port

Safety, Charging and Battery Information

The trackers cannot be charged while they are on, MAKE SURE THE TRACKERS ARE OFF BEFORE CHARGING THEM or you will damage the tracker

If replacing the battery, such as to place fresh ones in or if one accidentally fell out, make sure to place the battery polarity correctly.

  • The battery has a flat negative pole, and a button top positive pole
  • Follow the battery holder markings for + and -
  • The negative pole should be closer to the side with the data and charging port, and the positive side should be on the opposite side

Placing the battery in the wrong polarity and turning on the tracker will damage the tracker

Software Setup

Refer to the official SlimeVR documentation to set up the server and configure your trackers for use.

Quick setup guide for SlimeVR: https://docs.slimevr.dev/quick-setup.html Detailed setup guide: https://docs.slimevr.dev/server/index.html
