
A simple conversion table

Primary LanguagePython


A simple conversion table

There are three parts of this project.

Model(s), Control, and Veiw.

The Model(s) for this project are the files containing functions to preform the conversions.

The Control will manage the importing, calling, and execution of the application.

My goal is to make a UI using Tkinter; however for now, the Veiw will just run from commandline.


function template:

def feet(num, endU):

if endU == "inches" or "INCH" or "inch":
	num1 = num
	num *= 12

	return num 

elif endU == "centimeters" or "CENTIMETERS":
	num1 = num
	num /= 0.0328084

	return num 

elif endU == "Meters" or "meters" or "meter":
	num1 = num
	num /= 3.28084

	return num
