
A JavaScript practice questions and answer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A JavaScript practice questions and answer

Task 1: List the symbols for each of the below JavaScript operators

  • Arithmetic Operators - The symbols are:

    • +,
    • *,
    • /
    • -,
    • %
  • Assignment Operators - used to assign values to variables. The symbols are:

    • =
    • +=
    • -=
    • *=
    • /=
    • %=
  • Comparison Operators

    • ==,
    • ===,
    • !=,
    • !==,
    • <,
    • =

    • <=,
    • ?
  • Logical Operators

    • &&
    • ||
    • !
  • Bitwise Operators -

Task 2: For each JavaScript Operator, write 2 examples.

  • Arithmetic Operators

    • Example 1: let add = num1 + num2; // This adds the value assigned to num1 and num2, and assign the result to the variable add.

    • Example 2: let y += 2 // This adds 2 to the value assigned to y and assigns the result to y. i.e y = y + 2

  • Assignment Operators

    • Example 1: let name = "Ojoachele" //This assigns the string Ojoachele to the variable name

    • Example 2: let age = 10 //This assigns the number 10 to the variable age

  • Comparison Operators

    • Example 1:
        let x = 5;
        let y = 10;
        let lessThan = x < y ? `${x} is less than ${y}` : `${x} is greater than ${y}`;

    This returns 5 is less than 10.

    • Example 2:
    let age = 18
    let votable = (age < 18)? "Too young, can't vote" : "Old enough, eligible to vote"

    This returns Old enough, eligible to vote because the age is 18

    • Logical Operators

      • Example 1:
      let x = 10
      let y = 6
      console.log(x < 20 && y > 1);

      This evaluates to true because 10 is less than 20 and 6 is greater than 1

      • Example 2:
      let x = 20
      let y = 20

      This returns false because x is equal to y

Task 4: What is the result when the following program is executed?

for(let i = 0; i < 20; i +=7){

The result is

  • 1
  • 8
  • 15