
A powerful and user-friendly tool based on OCRmyPDF, offering a seamless GUI for conversion of image-based PDFs into searchable text.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A powerful and user-friendly tool based on OCRmyPDF, offering a seamless graphical user interface for effortless conversion of image-based PDFs into searchable text.


Step1. Install OCRmyPDF and tesseract languages

For Debian, Ubuntu users, you can simply use the following commands

# Install OCRmyPDF
sudo apt install ocrmypdf

# Install required tesseract languages
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr-chi-tra tesseract-ocr-chi-sim tesseract-ocr-jpn tesseract-ocr-deu tesseract-ocr-spa 

For Windows users, you can access a comprehensive walkthrough by clicking here.

If you are using other operating system, please consult the official documentation for detailed installation instructions.

Step2. Install required packages

Use the package manager pip to install required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt


Step1. Run main.py

python3 main.py

An graphical user interface should appear.

Step2. Select the PDF File


Press the "Select File" button and select the file you want to OCR. (it can be one or more files)

Step3. Select the Languages


Select the languages in the document.

Step4. Start OCR

Press the "Start OCR" button and the OCR process will begin. You can monitor the progress in the termial.


Step5. Continue or Exit


After the OCR process ends, you can choose to continue OCR other files by pressing the "Continue OCR" button or end the program by by pressing "Close" button.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.