
Ideonepy is the implementation of a wrapper for using Ideone API ( by sphere research labs)

Primary LanguagePython


  1. Create an object of class 'ideone' with username and password(not account password use API password )
  2. Use the object to call 'submit' method with
  • code of language to use given in ideone api
  • code to submit
  • input
  • run -true or false whether to run the code
  • private -true or false whether the code is private or public
  1. Need to install s'uds' to use this
  2. Methods available
  • createDict
  • languages
  • submit

Example usage

from ideonepy import ideone

source = """
using namespace std;
int main(){
    int a;
    cout<<"Python rocks = "<<a;
    return 0;

obj = ideone('xxxx', 'xxxxxxx')
items = obj.submit(1, source, 1, True, False)
print items


  {'status': 0, 'memory': 2728, 'langName': 'C++', 'output': 'Python rocks = 1', 'signal': 0, 'error': 
'OK', 'langId': 1, 'source': '\n#include<iostream>\nusing namespace std;\nint main(){\n    int a;\n    
cin>>a;\n    cout<<"Python rocks = "<<a;\n    return 0;\n    }\n', 'link': 'http://ideone.com/MCODJM', 
'result': 15, 'stderr': '', 'time': 0.01, 'date': '2012-12-04 14:23:49', 'input': '1', 'langVersion': 
'gcc-4.3.4', 'public': True}