Want to create a professional portfolio but cannot figure out how to? Use Developer Portfolio and create your own personalised portfolio today! With multiple themes to choose from, our easily customisable, user friendly website is designed to cater to developers and freelancers alike.
Customize your details for each component in src/datafolder.
exportconstheaderData={name: '-- YOUR NAME --',title: '-- YOUR TITLE --',desciption:'-- DESCRIPTION --',image: '-- IMAGE --',resumePdf: ''}// You can also import image and PDF from assets as shown belowimportresumefrom'../assets/pdf/resume.pdf'importprofileImgfrom'../assets/png/profileImg'exportconstheaderData={name: '-- YOUR NAME --',title: '-- YOUR TITLE --',desciption:'-- DESCRIPTION --',image: profileImg,resumePdf: resume}
Data for each component is divided into respective files.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines.
Add the below code snippet to public/index.html with your site info. This step is not mandatory
<metaname="description" content="--- SITE DESCRIPTION ---" /><metaproperty="og:image" content="--- YOUR IMAGE ---"><metaproperty="og:site_name" content="--- YOUR NAME ---"/><metaproperty="og:title" content="--- YOUR NAME ---"/><metaproperty="og:url" content="--- YOUR SITE URL ---"/><metaproperty="og:type" content="website"/><metaproperty="og:description" content="--- SITE DESCRIPTION ---"/><metaproperty="og:locale" content="--- ---"><metaproperty="og:image" content="--- YOUR IMAGE ---"/><metaproperty="og:image:width" content="1200"><metaproperty="og:image:height" content="630"><metaitemprop="name" content="--- YOUR NAME ---"/><metaitemprop="url" content="--- YOUR SITE URL ---"/><metaitemprop="description" content="--- SITE DESCRIPTION ---"/><metaitemprop="thumbnailUrl" content=""/><linkrel="image_src" href="--- YOUR IMAGE ---"/><metaitemprop="image" content="--- YOUR IMAGE ---"/><metaname="twitter:site" content="@--- YOUR TWITTER USERNAME ---"><metaname="twitter:creator" content="@--- YOUR TWITTER USERNAME ---"><metaname="twitter:url" content="--- YOUR SITE URL ---"/><metaname="twitter:title" content="--- YOUR NAME ---"><metaname="twitter:description" content="--- SITE DESCRIPTION ---"><metaname="twitter:image" content="--- YOUR IMAGE ---"><metaname="twitter:card" content="summary"/>