
CYO RESTful API with Express.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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Color Scheme RESTful API

This project implements a RESTful API for creating, managing, and retrieving color scheme palettes. The API is built using Express.js and can be easily extended to integrate with a front-end application or other services.


  • express: The core web framework for building the API.
  • ejs: Template engine for rendering dynamic HTML views (if needed).
  • color: A library for working with and manipulating color values.
  • express-validator: Middleware for validating user input.
  • mocha: Testing framework for running unit and integration tests.
  • chai: Assertion library used in conjunction with Mocha.
  • puppeteer: (Optional) Headless Chrome Node API for end-to-end UI testing.

API Endpoints

The API provides the following endpoints for managing color schemes:

1. GET /api/palettes

  • Description: Retrieves a list of all available color palettes.
  • Response: An array of palette objects, each containing:
    • id: Unique identifier for the palette.
    • title: The title or name of the palette.
    • colors: An object containing:
      • hex: An array of hex color codes.
      • hsl: An array of HSL color values.

2. GET /api/palettes/:id

  • Description: Retrieves a specific color palette by its ID.
  • Parameters:
    • id: The unique identifier of the palette.
  • Response: A single palette object with the matching ID, or an error if not found.

3. POST /api/palettes

  • Description: Creates a new color palette.
  • Request Body: A JSON object containing the title and colors (in either hex or HSL format) of the palette.
  • Response: The newly created palette object, or an error if creation fails.

4. PUT /api/ palettes/:id

  • Description: Updates an existing color palette by its ID.
  • Parameters:
    • id: The unique identifier of the palette.
  • Request Body: A JSON object containing the updated title and/or colors of the palette.
  • Response: The updated palette object, or an error if the update fails or the palette is not found.

5. DELETE /api/palettes/:id

  • Description: Deletes a color palette by its ID.
  • Parameters:
    • id: The unique identifier of the palette.
  • Response: A success message, or an error if the deletion fails or the palette is not found.


The project includes unit and integration tests to ensure the functionality and reliability of the API. These tests are described in more detail within the README.md file.

Implementation Details

  • Data Storage: Initially, you can use a placeholder array to store palette data. Later, you can integrate a database like MongoDB for persistence.
  • Color Manipulation: Leverage the color library to validate, convert, and manipulate color values. Additional examples and explanations are available in the README.md file.
  • Input Validation: Use express-validator to ensure that user-submitted data is in the correct format.
  • Error Handling: Implement middleware to catch and handle errors gracefully, providing informative messages to the user. The README.md file provides more detailed information about the specific error handling strategies used.
  • Routing: Use Express.js routing to define the API endpoints and their corresponding controller functions.
  • Views (Optional): If you're building a front-end interface, use EJS templates to render dynamic views and integrate with the API. The README.md file includes guidelines and best practices for integrating the color library into the frontend and enhancing the user experience.

Future Enhancements

  • Implement pagination and sorting for retrieving palettes.
  • Add support for searching and filtering palettes based on color properties.
  • Allow users to create and manage color palettes through a user interface.
  • Integrate with a CSS framework or library for styling the front-end.
  • Set up a CI/CD pipeline for automated testing and deployment as discussed in the README.md file.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository: git clone <repository-url>
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Start the server: npm start
  4. Access the API endpoints using tools like Postman or curl.


Contributions to improve the API are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit pull requests with your changes.

SBA 318

CYO RESTful API with Express.js
