
Poll ZIP archives from put.io & unzip them

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Node put.io

Provides scripts to poll & unzip ZIP archives of available files on your put.io account.
It relies on the official pui.io package @putdotio/api-client for the communication with the pui.io API.


Install NPM dependencies:

npm ci

Create .env file at the project root. It should contain the following variables:



The Client ID & Client Secret can be found here https://app.put.io/oauth after you've created an App.


The following NPM scripts are available:

  • get-zips: fetch all the ZIP archives of all files available at the root of your put.io account.
  • get-unzip: fetches all the ZIP archives then unzips them.
  • get-unzip:cleanup: fetches all the ZIP archives, unzips them, then deletes the ZIP sources.
  • unzip: unzips all the ZIP archives that are present in the provided ZIP_DESTINATION path.
  • unzip:cleanup: unzips all the ZIP archives that are present in the provided ZIP_DESTINATION path then deletes the source archives.