Eye-Tracking Experiments for Gorilla

This repository contains the source code for modules used in eye-tracking experiments on the Gorilla platform.

A video recorded during the workshop can be watched here.

Gorilla Project Configuration

  • Create a new "Code Editor Task" on Gorilla
  • Paste the contents of MAIN.js file in the 'Code > main' section of your task
  • Paste the contents of HEAD.html in the "Advanced > Head" section of your task
  • Update the stimuli/translations.json for your use. Make sure you only update the values, and not the JSON keys themselves (i.e. do not modify the ok_button_label key, but modify the OK value)
  • Upload the contents of stimuli folder to the "Uploads > Stimuli" section of your task
  • Upload the contents of resources folder to the "Uploads > Resources" section of your task
  • Upload your audio files (in MP3 format) and images (preferably in JPG/PNG format) to the "Uploads > Stimuli" section of your task
  • Prepare your data file according to the references included under examples/stimuli folder. At a bare minimum, it should contain columns for:
    • id: A unique trial ID
    • picture1, ... pictureN: Pictures to be shown in the trial. For example, if you want to show 3 pictures in your experiment, include picture1, picture2 and picture3 columns
    • audio: Audio to be played during the trial.
  • If you want to include any extra information, add them to new columns. These will be directly exported as Gorilla metrics during the experiments.
  • If you want to specify practice trials before the actual experiment, create a similar data file with only the practice trials
  • Upload your data files to the "Uploads > Stimuli" section of your task
  • Define your metrics under "Experiment > Metrics" section of your task. The metrics available for the eye-tracking experiments are:
    • All the columns from your data files
    • start_time: Start time of the trial, w.r.t. the experiment start
    • responses: User responses during the experiment
    • pictureN_name: Filename of the Nth picture (one metric for each picture)
    • pictureN_bbox: Bounding box for the Nth picture (one metric for each picture)
    • webgazer_data: Gaze data for the trial.
    • calibration_lost: Specifies that the calibration was lost (i.e. subject face disappeared from camera view) during that trial.
    • already_calibrated: Whether the calibration was skipped because system was already calibrated.
    • calibration_precision: Calibration precision calculated during a validation trial.

If any of the aforementioned sections is not visible in the Gorilla UI, go to "Configuration > Toolbox" to enable it.


For customizing your experiment, these are the most obvious and easy ways:

  • In MAIN.js, apply your custom experiment options. The available options are:
    • calibration_points: The set of calibration points (in % of the screen width & height) to use during calibration.
    • calibration_mode: The calibration mode, either click for click-by-click calibration (by default) or view for calibration by only looking at calibration points.
    • clicks_per_point: For click mode, decides how many times the subject needs to click on the calibration point to advance to the next point.
    • time_to_saccade: For view mode, decides how long (in ms) it would take the target to saccade to the newly displayed calibration point. The calibration will ignore the data coming from the first N ms after a new calibration point is displayed.
    • time_per_point: For view mode, decides how long the calibration point will be displayed after the initial time to saccade. For example, if time_to_saccade is set to 1000ms and time_per_point to 2000ms, the calibration point will be displayed for a total of 3 seconds and the first second will be ignored by the calibration.
    • repetitions_per_point: For both calibration modes, how many times to repeat the entire set of calibration points.
    • randomize_calibration_order: Whether the calibration point order should be randomized or not.
    • custom_calibration_target: If you want to use a custom calibration target (i.e. a 'duck' image), the name of the image file (i.e. duck.jpg) in your stimuli directory. This image should be of 30x30 size.
    • validation_duration: How long (in ms) to show the validation point after a calibration.
    • minimum_calibration_precision: The minimum validation precision for a calibration to be considered successful.
    • maximum_tries: How many times the subject can retry the calibration, if the precision is below the minimum during validation.
    • recalibrate_after_n_seconds: How often (in seconds) the system should be recalibrated during experiments.
    • recalibrate_after_n_trials: How often (in number of experiment trials) the system should be recalibrated during experiments. These two options can be used together, and whichever holds true first takes effect.
    • custom_html: Custom HTML to use for the displaying an experiment trial. You can use placeholders like {{PICTURE1}}, {{PICTURE2}}, ... {{PICTUREN}} to refer to the paths of your pictures (depending on how many picture columns you have in your data). Refer to the et-experiment.js file to see the default HTML for 1-, 2- and 3-picture layouts.
    • response_css_selector: The CSS selector used to get the list of response items in the custom HTML. For example, if you have custom buttons in your HTML, you can add them the mycustombutton CSS class and pass .mycustombutton as the selector in this parameter.
    • response_keys: The list of accepted keyboard keys, if you want to accept key press as subject input. For example: ['R', 'L'] to only accept the 'R' and 'L' keys as responses.
    • center_gaze_after_trial: Whether to show the yellow calibration target after each trial, to center subject gaze.
    • single_response. Whether the subject is allowed to only make a single response.
    • response_ends_trial: Whether the first response ends the trial.
    • trial_ends_after_audio: Whether the trial ends when the audio finishes playing, irrespective of whether there was any subject response or not.
    • response_allowed_while_playing: Whether the subject can make responses while the audio is still playing.
    • pictures_delay: Delay in ms (w.r.t. trial start) to show the pictures on the screen.
    • audio_delay: Delay in ms (w.r.t. trial start) to play the audio.