
A Slack bot to play Chatroulette with your team members

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Slack bot based Python-rtmbot to play Chatroulette with your team members


  1. Download the code
    git clone git@github.com:AcroMace/slack-roulettebot.git
    cd slack-roulettebot
  1. Install dependencies (virtualenv is recommended.)
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Add the bot to your team by going to Slack here and adding the "Bots" option in "DIY Integrations & Customizations"

  2. Copy and paste the API Token into the rtmbot.conf file between the quotes for SLACK_TOKEN

  3. Start the bot by running ./rtmbot.py

How to use

The format of the commands were taken from the Slackroulette project:

!online  - Become available to chat with others
!offline - Stop participating
!spin    - Start a conversation
!leave   - Leave the current conversation