
Browser watcher for ActivityWatch

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Chrome Web Store Mozilla Add-on

A cross-browser WebExtension that serves as a web browser watcher for ActivityWatch.


Official Releases

Install from official stores:

Development Build

Download the latest development build from our GitHub Actions:

  1. Click on the latest successful workflow run
  2. Scroll down to "Artifacts"
  3. Download either firefox.zip or chrome.zip


  • GitHub login is required to download artifacts
  • These builds are unsigned and require developer mode/settings

Firefox Enterprise Policy


Due to Mozilla Add-on Policy, this is not possible with the Mozilla-hosted versions of the extension. You will need to fork the extension and change a hardcoded value to make this work.

Due to the above issue, a privacy notice must be displayed to comply with the Mozilla Add-on Policy. This can be pre-accepted by setting the following Firefox Enterprise Policy (More about Firefox Policies):

    "policies": {
        "3rdparty": {
            "Extensions": {
                "{ef87d84c-2127-493f-b952-5b4e744245bc}": {
                    "consentOfflineDataCollection": true

Building from Source


  • Node.js (23 or higher)
  • Git
  • Make

Build Steps

  1. Clone the repository with submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/ActivityWatch/aw-watcher-web.git
cd aw-watcher-web
  1. Install dependencies:
make install
  1. Build the extension:
# For Firefox:
make build-firefox

# For Chrome:
make build-chrome

This will create zip files in the artifacts directory:

  • artifacts/firefox.zip for Firefox
  • artifacts/chrome.zip for Chrome

Installing the Development Build


  1. Extract artifacts/chrome.zip to a folder
  2. Go to chrome://extensions
  3. Enable "Developer mode"
  4. Click "Load unpacked" and select the extracted folder


  1. Go to about:addons
  2. Click the gear icon (⚙️) and select "Install Add-on From File..."
  3. Navigate to and select the artifacts/firefox.zip file


For Firefox, installing unsigned extensions requires Firefox Developer Edition or Nightly. In Firefox Developer Edition, you need to set xpinstall.signatures.required to false in about:config.