
A realtime music streaming website in pure JS/NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Youtube song streaming server made in Node JS



Searches for a song on youtube and returns the first result infos

  • Results format:
    "title": "song title",
    "author": "song author",
    "thumbnail": "thumbnail url",
    "length": "song length (seconds)",
    "stream": "api stream route (/stream)",
    "lyrics": "api lyrics route (/lyrics)"


Returns the informations of the current song

  • Results format:
    "title": "song title",
    "author": "song author",
    "thumbnail": "thumbnail url",
    "length": "song length (seconds)",
    "stream": "api stream route (/stream)",
    "lyrics": "api lyrics route (/lyrics)"


Returns the audio stream link of the current song

  • Results format:
    "stream": "stream url",
    "progress": "song current progress (seconds)"


Returns the lyrics of the current song

  • Results format:
    "lyrics": [
        "lyrics line 1",
        "lyrics line 2",

You can try VyBeen on my own website here And the VyBeen API is available here

Author: FurWaz