- 1
Possible exposed AWS Key
#446 opened by farisjarrah - 0
Int overflow on 32 bits arches
#445 opened by eclipseo - 2
[S3] V4signature support
#441 opened by zenhao - 1
Please add support for missing regions
#443 opened by liclac - 5
- 1
- 0
Support ap-northeast-2
#428 opened by sooheon - 0
- 0
s3: how to track upload progress
#427 opened by aeneasr - 2
- 1
Not found ExclusiveStartStreamName and Limit parameter of ListStreams method in
#426 opened by EthanCai - 4
TYPE_BOOL : Missing NewBoolAttribute
#384 opened by nalin-humin - 3
parameter names should be sorted in v4signer
#409 opened by nalin-humin - 0
- 0
Using bucket qualified hostnames with S3
#358 opened by stevvooe - 1
Support for S3 PreSigned POST
#397 opened by murrekatt - 6
S3 Use tcpdump httprequest find something wrong
#386 opened by simpleshuai - 0
S3: Allow parameters to be passed to GET requests
#365 opened by joeshaw - 0
Use V4 signer in SNS
#364 opened by sorensen - 2
Add support for AWS China EndPoint
#360 opened by jostyee - 1
Pin all outside repo packages
#361 opened by genghisjahn - 3
SQS QueueFromArn() is misnamed
#232 opened by nieksand - 1
[S3] Support for http caching headers
#300 opened by mwhooker - 4
- 1
[CloudWatch] MetricData Value and StatisticValue cannot be specified both
#355 opened by SebastiaanKlippert - 2
Bug in s3.New, struct member position incorrect.
#351 opened by ziyan - 3
go test failed with dynamodb_locl
#349 opened by iNickGo - 13
[DynamoDB] Support Document Types
#308 opened by cjwebb - 0
Auth token can become empty
#334 opened by cbroglie - 1
[DynamoDB] Table.GetItem does not support bool type.
#328 opened by anphung - 2
[SQS] Pointer usage inconsistency
#327 opened by ORBAT - 0
S3 does not work with V4 signatures
#303 opened by AndreyKostov - 8
Many DynamoDB functions don't implement retries
#271 opened by cbroglie - 3
auto-generating the library?
#289 opened by tve - 4
SQS error when calling GetQueue on *sqs.SQS
#288 opened - 7
v4 signing for SQS is broken
#285 opened by lostghost - 5
- 1
s3 should escape "+" with "%2B" in object key
#259 opened by dkolbly - 2
- 11
Reuse connections for S3 Get requests
#247 opened by paulmach - 0
S3 signed URL with custom headers/query parameters
#252 opened by ian-kent - 3
GetAuth returns ambiguous error
#244 opened by itsrainy - 0
S3 NextMarker missing from ListResp struct
#200 opened by scohen28 - 9
Usage of http.DefaultClient breaks on App Engine SDK
#238 opened by justonia - 2
- 2
Support us-west-2 in SQS
#199 opened by yourabi - 0
s3: Add request to list all buckets in account.
#205 opened by colegleason - 2
dynamodb test failing
#212 opened by alimoeeny - 2
[S3] PutCopy not passing Content-Type
#198 opened by johnvilsack - 2
Listing metrics requiring NextToken is failing
#202 opened by ProTip