
The nps-api is a Restful API for Net Promoter Score. API built on the NodeJS track of the Next Level Week distributed by Rocketseat.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The nps-api is a Restful API for Net Promoter Score. API built on the NodeJS track of the Next Level Week distributed by Rocketseat.

🚀 Technology

⤵ How to run

Database is SQLITE3, if you want to change, configure the file ormconfig.json for your specific database (Field "database" is the name of the database in the SGBD, in this project it is local).

# Clone Repository
$ git clone https://github.com/AdSoNaTuRaL/nps-api.git
$ cd nps-api
# Install Dependencies
$ yarn
# Run Aplication
$ yarn start

⤵ Tests

$ yarn test

🤔 Issues

Feel free to create a new issue with a respective title and description on the nps-api repository. If you already found a solution to your problem, I would love to review your pull request!