
About The Project

This project provides sample code that demonstrates writing binary data to a file using the C language. Use the hexdump command (or a GUI hex editor such as Hex Fiend) to view and the data it generates.

Getting Started

This should be buildable with the


Be sure you have the XCode CommandLine Tools (or full XCode) installed. GNU tools should also work but have not been tested.

If you don't have the command line tools installed, they can be installed with the following command:

xcode-select --install


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Compile the code
    1. Either use the provided Makefile by running
    2. Or compile manually with
      clang -o binary-data main.c

Debug builds can be made by running

make debug


clang -g -o binary-data main.c


After building the program, run it with


Then, inspect the generated data.bin file using a hex editor. The built-in hexdump command can be used for this purpose.

hexdump -C data.bin