
Primary LanguageJavaScript


What is GoodFilms?

GoodFilms.io (v 1.0.0) is the latest app for videophiles. It allows them to track films they want to watch, films they've already seen, rate and review movies, and discover new things to add to their want-to-watch list.

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Development Team

  • Jordan Bishop, product owner
  • Jeremy Odell, Scrum Lord
  • Minh Nguyen & Misha Hoo, development team




We used AngularJS as our front-end framework, Express/NodeJS for server-side development, and MongoDB for our database. We also used the jQuery, angular-route, lodash, Bootstrap, Bluebird, and Mongoose libraries & technologies and the OMDb and the MovieDB API's to source our movie posters and information.

For authentication, we used bcrypt-nodejs and express-session from npm.

Installation and Use

To run this repo locally, clone it to your desired file and cd into it. In the terminal, run npm install. In a new terminal tab, run the command mongo from the command line and in another new tab, run npm start to start the server.

Go to localhost:3000 in your browser of choice to use the app. We hope you enjoy searching and reviewing your favorite movies!