- ButterflyTalking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
- flingure
- settonBristol, UK
- ptroja
- kanigssonSeoul, South Korea
- TurboGitFrance
- raph-amiardParis
- lambourgParis
- pmderodatFrance
- manthonyaiello
- jhcloos
- yannickmoy
- id2359
- ycolletFrance
- ohenleySaint-Calixte-de-Kilkenny
- tromeyBoulder, CO
- leogermondParis, France
- sttaftLexington, MA, USA
- AdaDoom3Atlanta, GA
- kg8280
- Ankyrine
- AnthonyLeonardoGracio
- ZKoshakPlanet Earth
- QuentinOchemNew York City
- aogrcs
- jamieayre
- Edschonberg
- senierDresden
- emconukUnited Kingdom
- NikokrockMadrid
- vreboul
- clairedrossParis
- brosgol
- vcelierVancouver, most of the time
- grouigrokonBelle Ile
- rowan-walsheLondon, UK