- Modal Proejct
- Web-form (options API)
- ninja-jobs
- dojo-blog (simple basic composition API)
- dojo-blog2 (with async code and composables)
- using local json data
- using json server to show json data
- able to create new post
- redirect to homepage after creating new post
- newly created post will be saved in db base and will be automatically synced between local data and db base
- created loading spinner
- filter posts by click hashtag
- composition API doesnt have access to $router eg: this.$router.push({name: 'Home'}) or this.$router.go(-1) or this.$router.go(1) (in methods: {}). Hence, useRouter function inside the setup hook.
- dojo-blog_firebase (with composition API)
- firebase config
- fetching datas from firebase
- showing posts with the descending order of timestamp
- live data automatic update on the homepage