
This repository hosts a work-in-progress C reimplementation of the Beremiz language. The original Lua version remains the definitive and most up-to-date version.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Beremiz - Reimplementade in C

Beremiz is a stack-based programming language that I created. It was initially created in Lua. This repository hosts a work-in-progress C reimplementation of the Beremiz language. The original Lua version remains the definitive and most up-to-date version, available at https://github.com/AdaiasMagdiel/Beremiz.

Table of Contents


This C reimplementation serves primarily as a proof-of-concept (POC) to explore the language's functionality in a different programming environment while I enhancing my C programming skills. While the Lua version remains the primary focus, the C reimplementation holds potential to become the definitive version in the future.

Getting Started

This section equips you with the knowledge to set up, build, and run this implementation.


  1. Clone the Repository:

    Begin by cloning the Beremiz C repository from GitHub using the following command:

    git clone https://github.com/AdaiasMagdiel/beremiz-c
  2. Navigate to Project Directory:

    Once the cloning process is complete, navigate to the newly created project directory:

    cd beremiz-c

Building the Project

The project utilizes a Makefile to simplify the build process across different operating systems. To create the Beremiz interpreter executable, run the following command in the project directory:


This command will compile the source code and generate the beremiz executable file.

Running the Project

There are two ways to run the Beremiz interpreter:

  1. Executing a Beremiz Script:

    To execute a Beremiz script file, provide the filename (including the .brz extension) as an argument when running the beremiz executable:

    ./beremiz <filename>.brz

    Replace <filename>.brz with the actual name of your Beremiz script.

  2. Interactive Mode (REPL):

    To launch the Beremiz interpreter in interactive mode (REPL), simply run the beremiz executable without any arguments:


    This will start the REPL, allowing you to enter Beremiz code line by line for immediate execution and evaluation.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Refer to the LICENSE file for more details.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to create pull requests with improvements or bug fixes.

Additional Notes

  • This project is still under development, and the C reimplementation may not fully replicate all features of the Lua version.