
Simple Cache is a lightweight cache manager designed to simplify caching operations using custom providers. It offers a convenient way to store and retrieve cached data efficiently in Python applications.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Simple Cache

PyPI version License

Simple Cache is a lightweight caching manager crafted to streamline caching operations using various providers. It provides a convenient solution for storing and efficiently retrieving cached data within Python applications. It's highly extensible, allowing you to enhance its functionality with custom providers tailored to your specific use cases. Additionally, creating a new provider is straightforward and seamless.

Table of Contents


Install Simple Cache via pip:

pip install mgdl-simple-cache


In modern data-driven applications, caching plays a pivotal role in boosting performance by minimizing the necessity to frequently retrieve data from external sources. Simple Cache endeavors to simplify this procedure by offering a user-friendly interface for effectively managing cached data.

Available Providers


To use the Simple Cache library, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a Provider: Simple Cache provides different providers for storing cache data. See all available providers here. Alternatively, you can implement your own provider by subclassing the Provider abstract class.

  2. Initialize the Provider: Initialize the chosen provider with the necessary parameters. For example, if you are using the DetaProvider, you need to provide the Deta project key and optionally the table name:

from simple_cache.providers import DetaProvider

provider = DetaProvider(deta_key="your_deta_project_key", table_name="cache_table")

Check the providers section to see the signature of all parameters that are available for each provider.

  1. Create a SimpleCache Instance: Create an instance of SimpleCache by passing the initialized provider:
from simple_cache import SimpleCache

cache = SimpleCache(provider)

It's possible to initialize the Provider with no arguments and initialize the Provider later using the SimpleCache instance:

from simple_cache import SimpleCache
from simple_cache.providers import FileProvider

provider = FileProvider()
cache = SimpleCache(provider=provider)


cache.init(cache_dir=Path('path/to/directory')) # This will set the cache directory in FileProvider
  1. Usage:

    • Get Data: To retrieve data from the cache, use the get method. If the data is not found in the cache or has expired, you can provide a callback function to generate the data and set it in the cache:
    data = cache.get(key="some_key", action=some_function, expire_in=timedelta(minutes=5))
    • Set Data: To set data in the cache, use the set method. You can specify an optional expiration time for the data:
    cache.set(key="some_key", value=some_value, expire_in=timedelta(hours=1))
    • Set Data Validation: You can mark data as valid or invalid in the cache using the set_validate method:
    cache.set_validate(key="some_key", valid=True)



The SimpleCache class provides a simplified interface for interacting with cache providers. It acts as a wrapper around a specific cache provider instance. It includes methods to initialize the cache provider, retrieve data from the cache, set data in the cache, and mark data as valid or invalid.

  • __init__(self, provider: Provider) -> None: Initialize the SimpleCache instance with the specified cache provider.
  • init(self, **kwargs): Initialize the cache provider with the given parameters.
  • get(self, key: str, action: Callable[[], str], expire_in: Optional[timedelta] = None) -> CacheData: Retrieve data from the cache with the specified key. If the data is not found or has expired, the provided action function is executed to generate the data.
  • set(self, key: str, value: Any, expire_in: Optional[timedelta] = None) -> CacheData: Set data in the cache with the specified key and value. Optionally, you can specify an expiration time for the data.
  • set_validate(self, key: str, valid: bool, silent: bool = True) -> None: Mark data in the cache as valid or invalid.

Decorator attach

The attach decorator is a powerful feature of Simple Cache that allows you to store the result of a function in the cache, reducing the need to repeatedly execute the function. This is especially useful for operations that are time or resource-intensive, such as API calls or database queries.

How to Use

To use the attach decorator, you need to apply it to a function that you want to cache. Here's an example of how to do this:

from datetime import timedelta
from simple_cache import SimpleCache
from simple_cache.providers import DetaProvider

# Initialize the cache provider
provider = DetaProvider(deta_key="your_deta_project_key", table_name="cache_table")
cache = SimpleCache(provider)

# Define a function that you want to cache
@cache.attach(key="my_function_result", expire_in=timedelta(minutes=5)) # The expire_in argument is optional
def my_function():
    # Simulate an operation that is time or resource-intensive
    result = "Result of the function"
    return result

# The first call to the function will store the result in the cache

# Subsequent calls within the expiration time will use the cached result

# To invalidate the cache just use the set_validate function
cache.set_validate(key="my_function_result", valid=False)

In this example, the function my_function is decorated with @cache.attach, which means that its result will be stored in the cache with the key "my_function_result" and will expire after 5 minutes. On the first call to the function, the result is calculated and stored in the cache. On subsequent calls within the expiration time, the cached result is returned, avoiding the need to recalculate the result.

Decorator Documentation

  • attach(self, key: str, expire_in: Optional[timedelta] = None): Decorator to store the result of a function in the cache.
    • key (str): The unique key for the cache.
    • expire_in (Optional[timedelta]): The expiration time for the cache.

This decorator is an efficient way to improve the performance of your Python applications, reducing the need for repetitive and resource-intensive operations.


Provider (ABC)

The Provider class is an abstract base class defining the interface for cache providers. It includes the following abstract methods:

  • init(self, **kwargs): Initialize the provider with the given parameters. This method should be implemented by subclasses.
  • get(self, key: str, action: Callable[[], str], expire_in: Optional[timedelta] = None) -> CacheData: Retrieve data from the cache with the specified key. If the data is not found or has expired, the provided action function is executed to generate the data.
  • set(self, key: str, value: Any, expire_in: Optional[timedelta] = None) -> CacheData: Set data in the cache with the specified key and value. Optionally, you can specify an expiration time for the data.
  • `set_validate(self, key: str, valid: bool, silent: bool = True)


The DetaProvider class is a concrete implementation of the Provider interface that stores cache data in Deta Base. It includes methods to initialize the provider, retrieve data from the cache, set data in the cache, and mark data as valid or invalid.

  • __init__(self, deta_key: Optional[str] = None, table_name: Optional[str] = None): Initialize the Deta provider with the specified Deta project key and table name.
  • init(self, **kwargs) -> None: Initialize the Deta provider with the given parameters. If no table name is provided, a default table name is used.
  • get(self, key: str, action: Callable[[], str], expire_in: Optional[timedelta] = None) -> CacheData: Retrieve data from the Deta cache with the specified key. If the data is not found or has expired, the provided action function is executed to generate the data.
  • set(self, key: str, value: Any, expire_in: Optional[timedelta] = None) -> CacheData: Set data in the Deta cache with the specified key and value. Optionally, you can specify an expiration time for the data.
  • set_validate(self, key: str, valid: bool, silent: bool = True) -> None: Mark data in the Deta cache as valid or invalid.


The FileProvider class is a concrete implementation of the Provider interface that stores cache data in files on the local file system using Python's pickle system. It includes methods to initialize the provider, retrieve data from the cache, set data in the cache, and mark data as valid or invalid.

  • __init__(self, cache_dir: Optional[PathLike] = None): Initializes the FileProvider with the specified cache directory.
  • init(self, **kwargs) -> None: Initializes the FileProvider with the given parameters. The parameters are the same from the constructor.
  • get(self, key: str, action: Callable[[], str], expire_in: Optional[timedelta] = None) -> CacheData: Retrieves data from the file-based cache with the specified key. If the data is not found or has expired, the provided action function is executed to generate the data.
  • set(self, key: str, value: Any, expire_in: Optional[timedelta] = None) -> CacheData: Sets data in the file-based cache with the specified key and value. Optionally, you can specify an expiration time for the data.
  • set_validate(self, key: str, valid: bool, silent: bool = True) -> None: Marks data in the file-based cache as valid or invalid.


If you wish to contribute to this project, simply install the development dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.dev.txt

And you need to rename the config.py.example to config.py and fill the deta_key var with a valid Deta Key:

The config.py file is already in .gitignore so don't worry about exposing your key.

# config.py
deta_key = "a0abcyxz_aSecretValue" # Change to a valid Deta Key

I know I can use a .env for this, but I'm trying to make it as simple as possible to run the tests without an external dependency.

Finally, you can run this command to execute the tests:

pytest -vvsx # Increased verbosity, shows the stdout, breaks at the first failure


If you would like to include coverage, just run pytest command with the coverage options:

pytest --cov=simple_cache --cov-report=html -vvsx


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests to enhance this project. Your feedback and contributions help make Simple Cache even better.