
Reinforcement Learning with TF Agents

Primary LanguagePython

Reinforcement Learning with TF-Agents


  1. Instructions to train a DQN agent in a multi-environment Breakout-v4 using TF-Agents is given below.

  2. The entire code is encapsulated in a single file named tfagent_dqn.py.

  3. Build the Docker image

    $ cd /path/to/rl-tfagents
    $ docker build --network=host -t rl-tfagents .
  4. Run the container

    # Run the container
    # Note: The source code is mapped from the local host into the 
    # docker container. Change the volume mapping as necessary.
    $ docker run -it --gpus all --network=host --env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /home/kyber/workspaces/rl-tfagents/:/src/ rl-tfagents
    # Start RL TFAgent
    $ python3.7 tfagent_dqn.py
    # Start Tensorboard
    $ tensorboard --logdir . --port 6061 &


  1. The code trains an agent to play Breakout-v4 environment.

  2. Multiple copies of training and evluation environments run in parallel to speed up the data collection (i.e., observations).


  1. Several files implement other stand-alone reinforcement learning algorithms:
  • policy_gradient.py: policy gradient algorithm
  • q_value_iteration.py: Q-value iteration and Q-value learning
  • tf_dqn.py: deep Q-learning in TensorFlow