Sends book information collected into a scanner to a Kafka cluster
- JDK 11 (recommended)
Run the following command inside the project's root directory:
gradlew clean build
If the build success, a jar file named kafkalibrary-producer-[version].jar will be created into the build/libs directory.
Start up the application using the following command:
java -jar kafkalibrary-producer-[version].jar
You can also start up running the following command:
./gradlew bootRun
curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8080/v1/libraryevent' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"libraryEventId": null,
"libraryEventType": "NEW",
"book": {
"bookId": 1,
"bookName": "The Art of War",
"bookAuthor": "Sun Tzu"
- API Result:
"libraryEventId": null,
"libraryEventType": "NEW",
"book": {
"bookId": 1,
"bookName": "The Art of War",
"bookAuthor": "Sun Tzu"
- Logs:
Message sent successfully for the key null and value { "libraryEventId": null, "libraryEventsType": "NEW",
{"bookId":1,"bookName":"The Art of War","bookAuthor":"Sun Tzu"}}
partition: 1
Problem: Error while loading log dir kafka.
Solution: Change the bellow log properties into file to avoid log retention errors. This may cause you broker startup to fail. Note that this must only be edited in development environments. Applying this to production will cause data loss!
# The minimum age of a log file to be eligible for deletion due to age