
Library Management System


The Library Management System is an object-oriented project developed in Java to manage a library's book inventory, user registrations, borrowing, and returning of books. This system serves as the backend logic for deploying various library management applications.


  • User Management: Create and manage user accounts.
  • Book Management: Add, update, and remove books from the inventory.
  • Borrow and Return Books: Handle book borrowing and returning operations.
  • Transaction History: Maintain a history of all transactions.
  • Different User Roles: Manage different types of users (e.g., students, teachers) with specific permissions.

Technologies Used

  • Programming Language: Java in Apache Netbeans as an open source development environment.
  • Database: MySQL (At the moment).
  • Framework: Spring Boot (for deploying backend APIs).
  • Testing: JUnit (for unit testing).
  • Design Patterns: Singleton, Factory, Observer, etc.

Project Structure

  • Currently in progress.