
Uses OCR to convert PDF Credit Card statements from the Royal Bank of Canada into a CSV file.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

RBC Statements

Great pains, small gains for those who ask the world to solve them; it cannot solve itself.

Herman Melville, Moby Dick

Ever wonder how much money you spent on Amazon? RBC Statements is an open-source Python repository that can help you figure that out. Download your credit card statements from the bank website, put them in the files directory, open a terminal window in the project directory RBC Statements is in and type:

python start.py

and take a look at your output CSV in the project directory! Some future work on this repo will involve creating a report or formatting the CSV through pivot tables so you can determine what percentage went to food, eating out, alcohol, gas, Amazon, etc. without you having to filter the output CSV manually. This repository makes use of Tabula to conduct the OCR and Pandas to clean up the result file.


  1. Clone or download this repository
  2. Go to the RBC website and download your credit card statements. RBC only maintains records going back 7 years, so make sure you get them all!
  3. Copy the credit card PDF statements into ~\CC\files

Using the tool

  1. Open your command line and navigate to the project root folder (CC)
  2. Type python start.py
  3. Look for output.csv in your root directory folder!

To Do

  1. Add workflow status badges
  2. Finish writing tests