
DevOps Project referencing tntk-cd - AWS, K8S, Helm, Terraform, and Argo (used with permission from tntk.io)

MIT LicenseMIT

GitOps repository

This repository is an integral part of the training project which consists of 3 parts:

  1. Infrastructure https://github.com/tntk-io/tntk-infra
  2. CI https://github.com/tntk-io/tntk-ci
  3. CD (this) https://github.com/tntk-io/tntk-cd

Attention. This is an operational resource, a gitops repository. Here are placed complete Kubernetes manifests for deploying the application after the CI cycle: https://github.com/tntk-io/tntk-ci/blob/prod/.github/workflows/ci.yml This resource should not be public. We have made it public for demonstration purposes. Don't make it public in your project.