
Pull latest list of data from a GitHub repo directory for Jenkins Active Choices Reactive Parameter. Selects a directory to parse based on the command's supplied positions parameters such as region and environment

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Pull latest list of data from a GitHub repo directory for Jenkins Active Choices Reactive Parameter. Selects a directory to parse based on the command's supplied positions parameters such as region and environment

Note: An improved and cleaner version of jenkins-multiselect-repo-data which allows for multiple directories to be parsed based upon position parmeters

Intended Audience

  • Devops


  • GitHub repos containing a dedicated directroy for parsing into a list
  • GitHub Access Token
  • Variable substitution which provides a repo name and release tag using semantic versioning
  • Variable substitution which provided a completion to lower level directories, such as environment and region for AWS


  • Edit the script to include an auth.cfg for referencing a GitHub token assigned to the gitauthtoken variable.
  • The 'auth.cfg' file should be part of the .gitignore config.
  • Edit the logDir varialbe to include the persistent directory structure in which data parsing against supplied repos should occur
    • i.e., logDir=/foo/bar/
  • Execute the script as part of the Jenkins Multiselect function:
    • Supply two positional arguments to the script, repository name as the full git ssh address, and the repository release tag
    • i.e., multi_selector_json.sh git@github.com:Adam-Lechnos/Binary-Init-Client.git v.0.0.1
    • Supply the additional two positional parameters for lower level directory completion, below the persistent logDir variable.
      • The current script provides region and env however, these may be changes to accomdate the dynamic changes in the directory structure
      • i.e., /foo/bar/us-east-1/env
    • i.e., multi_selector_json.sh git@github.com:Adam-Lechnos/Binary-Init-Client.git v.0.0.1 us-east-1 dev
    • If data exists in the persistent directories root, the positional paramters for completing the directroy location will be ignored in favor of the root location


  • Parse list of files from the FooBar repo's directory release v1.1.2
    • multi_selector_json.sh git@github.com:Adam-Lechnos/FooBart.git v0.0.1 us-east-1 prod

Active Choices Reactive Parameter script

def proc = "/bin/bash /var/lib/jenkins/multiselect_json_create/multi_selector_json_dyndir.sh ${git_repo_url} ${git_release} ${aws_region} ${env_group}".execute()
def output = proc.in.text
def exitcode = proc.exitValue()
def error = proc.err.text
return output.tokenize()