
Wander - an invitation to discover. Designed and executed by myself, Wander is a single-page web application that lets users plan their next getaway. Wander is built using async JavaScript, HTML5 and SCSS. Users are able to log in, see their account data displayed, view details of all their trips, and even submit new trips to be approved by a travel agent. Wander also features a built in Agent Portal which when accessed displays finanical data including the total profits, the average profit per user and more. Agents will also be able to search users by name and approve or deny any pending trip requests. Built over the course of a 1 week sprint during my final week of Turings second module. I am very proud of the work I did here and would encourage anyone interested in well written code to check it out.

Installation Instructions:

Local Server

  1. Clone down the local server - found here
  2. cd into the folder
  3. In terminal, run npm install and npm start


  1. Fork and clone this repo
  2. cd into the folder
  3. Run npm install and npm start
  4. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/

Preview of App:

alt text


This application was completed in it's entirety by:

Adam Meza - LinkedIn, GitHub

Tech Steck:

  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
  • Chart.js
  • Day.js