
Home of webcomponents-with-redux.training examples

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Building web apps with Web Components, redux and lit-html

This repository hosts the "events" application which was developed during the the WebComponents with lit-html and redux workshop.

Web Components with lit-html and redux

New to Web Standards? Checkout: http://webstandards.training

New to Web Components? Checkout: http://webcomponents.training

Never built an app? Checkout: http://effectiveweb.training

Migration to redux toolkit: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/redux

Checkout all online workshops: https://airhacks.io



To launch the web application:

  1. Install browsersync
  2. cd events
  3. Perform: browser-sync src -f src -b "google chrome" --no-notify

(optional) backend

  1. Install quarkus
  2. cd validator
  3. Perform: ./mvnw compile quarkus:dev

walk through

A walk through the application code:

events app walk through


A quickstarter template was extracted from this application and is available from: https://github.com/adamBien/bce.design