A game written with vanilla javascript, styled with SCSS and using BEM naming conventions. Created in week five of the _nology web development course.
Get a row, column or diagonal of four tokens before your opponent.
- vanilla Javascript
- Sass
The functionality is contained within a class - which takes the game board's cells as the constructor. I focused on adding, removing and checking SCSS class names as the way to add tokens, check if a player can add a token to the selected cell and whether the game has been won or drawn.
For example checking for a horizontal win for player one:
checkWin() {
for ( let i = 0; i < this.cellsArray.length; i++) {
if (this.isPlayerTwosTurn) {
// check horizontal win for playerone
if (this.cellsArray[i].classList.contains("game__area--playerone") &&
this.cellsArray[i + 1].classList.contains("game__area--playerone") &&
this.cellsArray[i + 2].classList.contains("game__area--playerone") &&
this.cellsArray[i + 3].classList.contains("game__area--playerone")) {
gameWinner.innerHTML = "Player One";
When player one adds a token to the board that cell is given a class name of "game__area--playerone", so that I can use this to check for a win. To check for a draw:
checkDraw() {
let isDraw = false
for ( let i = 0; i < this.cellsArray.length; i++) {
if (!this.cellsArray[i].classList.contains("taken")) {
isDraw = false;
else {
isDraw = true;
if (isDraw) {
When a player adds a token, as well as the player specific class name, I also add a "taken" class name so that after each turn the checkDraw function runs, looping through the grid and if all the cells have a "taken" class name then toggles a drawn game modal.