
These links are outcome of 4+ years of tuning/running our ES clusters (on premise and in a cloud).

This list is not in the active development. Partially merged into https://github.com/dzharii/awesome-elasticsearch


  • A Dive into the Elasticsearch Storage

    In this article we'll investigate the files written to the data directory by various parts of Elasticsearch. We will look at node, index and shard level files and give a short explanation of their contents in order to establish an understanding of the data written to disk by Elasticsearch.

Java tuning

How to start using G1

ES_JAVA_OPTS="-XX:-UseParNewGC -XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseG1GC"

Durability & reliability


  • Elasticsearch Refresh Interval vs Indexing Performance

    Because refreshing is expensive, one way to improve indexing throughput is by increasing refresh_interval. Less refreshing means less load, and more resources can go to the indexing threads. How does all this translate into performance? Below is what our benchmarks revealed when we looked at it

  • A-Z Guide on Scaling Elasticsearch

    In this article we will discuss the system settings in detail. This will guide you on the parameters and values to be considered in various levels including the operating system (we are considering the Unix-based systems here). Focus will also be given to the memory settings in Elasticsearch, and we will look even deeper into the heap memory management and fine tuning of the same.


Best practices


In order of my personal preferences

