Library for creating matcher combinator to compare nested data structures
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Clojure's built-in data structures get you a long way when trying to codify and solve difficult problems. A solid selection of core functions allow you to easily create and access core data structures. Unfortunately, this flexibility does not extend to testing: a comprehensive yet extensible way to assert that the data fits a particular structure seems to be lacking.
This library addresses this issue by providing composable matcher combinators that can be used as building blocks to effectively test functions that evaluate to nested data-structures.
- Pretty-printed diffs when the actual result doesn't match the expected matcher
- Integrates with
- Good readability by providing default interpretations of core Clojure data-structures as matcher combinators
Midje checkers | Matcher combinators |
Midje checkers failure output | Matcher combinators failure output |
The matcher-combinators.midje
namespace defines the match
and throws-match
midje-style checkers. These should be used on the right-side of the midje fact
check arrows (=>
: This checker is used to wrap a matcher-combinator asserts that the provided value satisfies the matcher.throws-match
: This checker wraps a matcher-combinator and optionally a throwable subclass. It asserts that an exception (of the given class) is raised and theex-data
satisfies the provided matcher.
For example:
(require '[midje.sweet :refer :all]
'[matcher-combinators.matchers :as m]
'[matcher-combinators.midje :refer [match]])
(fact "matching a map exactly"
{:a {:bb 1 :cc 2} :d 3} => (match (m/equals {:a (m/embeds {:bb 1}) :d 3}))
;; but when a map isn't immediately wrapped, it is interpreted as an `embeds` matcher
;; so you can write the previous check as:
{:a {:bb 1 :cc 2} :d 3} => (match (m/equals {:a {:bb 1} :d 3})))
(fact "you can assert an exception is thrown "
;; Assert _some_ exception is raised and the ex-data inside satisfies the matcher
(throw (ex-info "foo" {:foo 1 :bar 2})) => (throws-match {:foo 1})
;; Assert _a specific_ exception is raised and the ex-data inside satisfies the matcher
(throw (ex-info "foo" {:foo 1 :bar 2})) => (throws-match ExceptionInfo {:foo 1}))
Note that you can also use the match
checker to match arguments within midje's provided
(unfinished f)
(fact "using matchers in provided statements"
(f [1 2 3]) => 1
(f (match [odd? even? odd?])) => 1))
Require the matcher-combinators.test
namespace, which will extend clojure.test
's is
macro to accept the match?
and thrown-match?
: The first argument should be the matcher-combinator represented the expected value, and the second argument should be the expression being checked.thrown-match?
: The first argument should be a throwable subclass, the second a matcher-combinators, and the third the expression being checked.
For example:
(require '[clojure.test :refer :all]
'[matcher-combinators.test] ;; needed for defining `match?`
'[matcher-combinators.matchers :as m])
(deftest basic-sequence-matching
;; by default a sequentials are interpreted as a `equals` matcher
(is (match? [1 odd?] [1 3]))
(is (match? (m/prefix [1 odd?]) [1 1 2 3])))
(defn bang! [] (throw (ex-info "an exception" {:foo 1 :bar 2})))
(deftest exception-matching
(is (thrown-match? ExceptionInfo
{:foo 1}
If a data-structure isn't wrapped in a specific matcher-combinator the default interpretation is:
- map:
- sequential:
- set:
- number, date, and other base data-structure:
- regex:
operates over base values, maps, sequences, and sets- base values (string, int, function, etc.): matches when the given value is exactly the same as the
. - map: matches when
- the keys of the
map are equal to the given map's keys - the value matchers of
map matches the given map's values
- the keys of the
- sequence: matches when the
sequences's matchers match the given sequence. Similar to midje's(just expected)
- set: matches when all the elements in the given set can be matched with a matcher in
set and each matcher is used exactly once.
- base values (string, int, function, etc.): matches when the given value is exactly the same as the
operates over maps, sequences, and sets- map: matches when the map contains some of the same key/values as the
map. - sequence: order-agnostic matcher that will match when provided a subset of the
sequence. Similar to midje's(contains expected :in-any-order :gaps-ok)
- set: matches when all the matchers in the
set can be matched with an element in the provided set. There may be more elements in the provided set than there are matchers.
- map: matches when the map contains some of the same key/values as the
operates over sequencesmatches when provided a (ordered) prefix of the
sequence. Similar to midje's(contains expected)
operates over sequencesmatches when the given a sequence that is the same as the
sequence but with elements in a different order. Similar to midje's(just expected :in-any-order)
similar behavior toequals
for sets, but allows one to specify the matchers using a sequence so that duplicate matchers are not removed. For example,(equals #{odd? odd?})
becomes(equals #{odd})
, so to get arround this one should use(set-equals [odd? odd])
. -
: matches theactual-value-found
when provided anexpected-regex
using(re-find expected-regex actual-value-found)
: for use in the context of maps. Matches when the actual map is missing the key pointing to theabsent
matcher. For example(is (match? {:a absent :b 1} {:b 1}))
matches but(is (match? {:a absent :b 1} {:a 0 :b 1}))
You can extend your data-types to work with matcher-combinators
by implemented the Matcher
An example of this in the wild can be seen in the abracad
library here.
Inside the context of match?
(clojure.test) / match
(midje), data-structures are assigned default matchers, which eliminates the need to wrap data-structures with matcher-combinators when your desired matching behavior matches the defaults.
But what if your desired matching behavior deviates from the defaults?
For example, if you want to do exact map matching you need to use a log of m/equals
(deftest exact-map-matching-by-hand
(is (match? (m/equals {:a (m/equals {:b (m/equals {:c odd?})})}))
{:a {:b {:c 1}}})
;; without m/equals, the system defaults to m/embeds for maps,
;; which has looser matching properties
(is (match? {:a {:b {:c odd?}}}
{:a {:b {:c 1 :extra-c 0} :extra-b 0} :extra-a 0})))
This verbosity can be avoided by redefining the matcher data-type defaults
You can register a custom clojure.test
match assert expression if you are going to use it a few times:
(defmethod clojure.test/assert-expr 'match-equals? [msg form]
(matcher-combinators.test/build-match-assert 'match-equals? {clojure.lang.IPersistentMap m/equals} msg form))
(deftest match-equals-test
(is (match-equals? {:a {:b {:c odd?}}}
{:a {:b {:c 1}}})))
Or if you want a one-off override of defaults, it can be done match-with?
(deftest one-off-match-equals
(is (match-with? {clojure.lang.IPersistentMap m/equals}
{:a {:b {:c odd?}}}
{:a {:b {:c 1}}})))
(deftest match-roughly-test
(is (match-roughly? 0.1
{:a 1 :b 3.0}
{:a 1 :b 3.05})))
(fact "match-with example"
{:a {:b {:c odd?}}} => (match-with {clojure.lang.IPersistentMap m/equals}
{:a {:b {:c odd?}}}))
(fact "match-equals example"
{:a {:b {:c odd?}}} => (match-equals {:a {:b {:c odd?}}}))
Or you can build your own, for example:
(def match-equals
"match but using strict `equals` matching behavior for maps, even nested ones."
(match-with {clojure.lang.IPersistentMap matchers/equals}))
The project contains midje
, clojure.test
, and cljs.test
To run Clojure tests:
lein midje
To run Clojurescript tests:
lein test-node