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Primary LanguagePython

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Hermes is a Python caching library. The requirements it was designed to fulfil:

* Tag-based cache invalidation
* Dogpile effect prevention
* Thread-safety
* Straightforward design
* Simple, at the same time, flexible decorator as end-user API
* Interface for implementing multiple backends

Implemented backends: ``redis``, ``memcached``, ``dict`` (no expiry).


.. sourcecode::

    pip install HermesCache

Make sure desired backend client library is installed. See below.


The following demonstrates all end-user API.

.. sourcecode:: python

    import hermes.backend.redis

    cache = hermes.Hermes(hermes.backend.redis.Backend, ttl = 600, host = 'localhost', db = 1)

    def foo(a, b):
      return a * b

    class Example:

      @cache(tags = ('math', 'power'), ttl = 1200)
      def bar(self, a, b):
        return a ** b

      @cache(tags = ('math', 'avg'), key = lambda fn, *args, **kwargs: 'avg:{0}:{1}'.format(*args))
      def baz(self, a, b):
        return (a + b) / 2.0

    print(foo(2, 333))

    example = Example()
    print(example.bar(2, 10))
    print(example.baz(2, 10))

    foo.invalidate(2, 333)
    example.bar.invalidate(2, 10)
    example.baz.invalidate(2, 10)

    cache.clean(['math']) # invalidate entries tagged 'math'
    cache.clean()         # flush cache

.. note::
    The API encourages import-time instantiation of ``Hermes`` to allow end-user
    to decorate its functions. The instantiation has no side effects. Underlying
    backend server connections are lazy.

For advanced examples look in
`test suite <https://bitbucket.org/saaj/hermes/src/default/hermes/test/>`_.

Tagging cache entries

First let's look how basic caching works.

.. sourcecode:: python

    import hermes.backend.dict

    cache = hermes.Hermes(hermes.backend.dict.Backend)

    def foo(a, b):
      return a * b

    foo(2, 2)
    foo(2, 4)

    #  {
    #    'cache:entry:foo:515d5cb1a98de31d': 8,
    #    'cache:entry:foo:a1c97600eac6febb': 4
    #                            ↓
    #                      argument hash
    #  }

Basically we have a key-value storage with O(1) complexity for ``set``, ``get`` and ``delete``.
This means that the speed of operation is constant and irrelevant of number of items already
stored. When a callable (function or method) is cached, the key is calculated per invocation from
callable itself and passed arguments. Callable's return value is saved to the key. Next invocation
we can use the value from cache.

  *"There are only two hard problems in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things."* —
  Phil Karlton

So it comes in a complex application. There's a case that certain group of methods operate the same
data and it's impractical to invalidate individual entries. In particular, it often happens when
method returns complex values, spanning multiple entities. Cache tagging makes it possible to mark
this group of method results with a tag and invalidate them all at once.

Here's `article
<http://eflorenzano.com/blog/2009/03/02/tagging-cache-keys-o1-batch-invalidation/>`_ by Eric
Florenzano which explains the idea. Let's look the code.

.. sourcecode:: python

    import hermes.backend.dict

    cache = hermes.Hermes(hermes.backend.dict.Backend)

    @cache(tags = ('tag1', 'tag2'))
    def foo(a, b):
      return a * b

    foo(2, 2)

    #  {
    #    'cache:tag:tag1': '0674536f9eb4eb19',
    #    'cache:tag:tag2': 'db22b5ab2e504895',
    #    'cache:entry:foo:a1c97600eac6febb:c1da510b3d42bad6': 4
    #                                              ↓
    #                                           tag hash
    #  }

When we want to tag a cache entry, first we need to create the tag entries. Each tag is represented
by its own entry. Value of tag entry is set to random value each time tag is created. Once all tags
values exist, they are joined and hashed. Tag hash is added to cache entry key.

Once we want to invalidate tagged entries we just need to remove the tag entry. Without any of tag
values tag hash was created with, it is impossible to construct the entry key so the tagged cache
entries become inaccessible thus invalidated. As usually a feature built on-top of another feature
adds complexity.

Performance. All operations become O(n) where *n* is number of entry tags. However since we can
rarely need more than a few dozens of tags, practically it is still O(1). Tag entry operations are
batched so the implications on number of network operations go as follow:

* ``set`` – 3x backend calls (``get + 2 * set``) in worst case. Average is expected to be 2x when
  all used tag entries are created.
* ``get`` – 2x backend calls.
* ``delete`` – 2x backend calls.

Memory overhead consists of tag entries and stale cache entries. Demonstrated below.

.. sourcecode:: python

    import hermes.backend.dict

    cache = hermes.Hermes(hermes.backend.dict.Backend)

    @cache(tags = ('tag1', 'tag2'))
    def foo(a, b):
      return a * b

    foo(2, 2)

    #  {
    #    'cache:tag:tag1': '047820ac777abe8a',
    #    'cache:tag:tag2': '126365ec7175e851',
    #    'cache:entry:foo:a1c97600eac6febb:5cae80f5e7d58329': 4
    #  }

    foo(2, 2)

    #  {
    #    'cache:tag:tag1': '66336fec212def16',  ← recreated tag entry
    #    'cache:tag:tag2': '126365ec7175e851',
    #    'cache:entry:foo:a1c97600eac6febb:8e7e24cf70c1f0ab': 4,
    #    'cache:entry:foo:a1c97600eac6febb:5cae80f5e7d58329': 4  ← garbage
    #  }

So the TTLs should be chosen elaborately. With Redis backend it's also recommended
to set `maxmemory-policy <http://redis.io/topics/config>`_ to ``volatile-lru``.

Backend and client library

Supported dependencies are listed in
`tox.ini <https://bitbucket.org/saaj/hermes/src/default/tox.ini>`_
of the package. The way they put together is on project's
`drone.io CI page <https://drone.io/bitbucket.org/saaj/hermes>`_.

``hermes.backend.redis`` depends on `redis <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/redis>`_. Optionally
`hiredis <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hiredis>`_ can be installed in addition to boost protocol
parsing. However *hiredis* gives significant advantage on big bulk operations and in
context of the package adds about 10%.

``hermes.backend.memcached`` depends either on pure-python
`python-memcached <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-memcached>`_
(`python3-memcached <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python3-memcached>`_ as prior one is still
broken on Python 3 with binary data) or on, *libmemcached* wrapper,
`pylibmc <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pylibmc>`_. *pylibmc* gives about 50% improvement.

``hermes.backend.dict`` is neither complete backend nor it is designed for any distributed use.
Original purpose was a development need and in fact it's just a wrapper on Python ``dict``. It
doesn't implement entry expiry and any memory limiting. Though it can be used in limited cases
where cached entry size is a priori small and actual state is maintained only with manual


Here are some clues about performance of backends and client libraries. It wasn't an intension
to provide some statistically significant performance estimation. These are just results from
one of CI builds.

.. image:: https://goo.gl/ZT0phq

.. image:: https://goo.gl/ZYCSGi

Reviewed implementations

Before I wrote the library I looked through the Cheese Shop for one that fits my needs.
Unfortunately there was none, however some matched partially and were the inspiration in
certain aspects:

`cache <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/cache/>`_

  * clean end-user API
  * straightforward design
  * no auto cache key calculation
  * no dogpile effect prevention
  * no cache entry tagging
  * fail with instance methods

`dogpile.cache <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/dogpile.cache/>`_

  * mature
  * very well documented
  * prevents dogpile effect
  * no cache entry tagging
  * complicated code-base
  * not concise end-user API

`cache-tagging <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/cache-tagging/>`_

  * cache entry tagging
  * designed for the news website scaffolding framework
  * thus bloat is all around