
Demonstrate the separation of ansible vaults by environments and vault ids

MIT LicenseMIT


I made this repo to demonstrate how to create a multi-staged Ansible environment with multiple ansible-vaulted variables referenced by ansible vault ids.

General configuration

  1. Two inventory environment directories were configured under inv.d called production and test (by default test is referenced in ansible.cfg).

  2. Two encryption/decyption password files called .prod.pass & .test.pass were created in the vault-ids directory (see the warning below).

  3. The environments encryption/decryption password files are referenced in ansible.cfg using the vault_identity_list key. The decryption process will work through this list until it finds a key that works or the list is exhausted.

    vault_identity_list = example-test@vault-ids/.test.pass,example-prod@vault-ids/.prod.pass
  4. There is an encrypted variable called db_password (stored in each inventory's group_vars directory) that has been encrypted using the following commands for each environment:

    ansible-vault encrypt_string --encrypt-vault-id example-test '123450' --name 'db_password'db_password: !vault |
    Encryption successful
    ansible-vault encrypt_string --encrypt-vault-id example-prod '567890' --name 'db_password'
    db_password: !vault |
    Encryption successful

    The encrypted value output to the screen was pasted into each environment's associated inventory group vars here:

    Environment Inventory file
    test inv.d/test/group_vars/secure_vars.yml
    production inv.d/production/group_vars/secure_vars.yml

Using the variables

To test decrypting the variables for each environment, perform the following:

ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=inv.d/test ansible localhost -m debug -a "var=db_password"
localhost | SUCCESS => {
    "db_password": "123456"

ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=inv.d/production ansible localhost -m debug -a "var=db_password"
localhost | SUCCESS => {
    "db_password": "567890"

Alternatively, edit ansible.cfg and change the inventory key to point to the environment inventory of your choice, eg:

inventory = inv.d/production

Now run the ansible command without the need for the ANSIBLE_INVENTORY variable prefix:

ansible localhost -m debug -a "var=db_password"
localhost | SUCCESS => {
    "db_password": "567890"


The ansible-vault encrypt/decrypt passwords are stored inside this repo as it's purely for demonstration purposes - this is utterly stupid in a real-life scenario so remember to create these files outside the repo and update the reference to them in ansible.cfg here:

vault_identity_list = example-test@vault-ids/.test.pass,example-prod@vault-ids/.prod.pass