
Domain Registrar - Hosted on
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git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update

Be sure and run the git commands above before running a hugo server or it will cause you all kinds of trouble.

If you want to see your post in Hugo before submitting you'll need Hugo installed. Follow these steps.

choco install hugo -confirm

This is only needed if you want to create a new empty site

Create New hugo website
hugo new site <PATH>

Add Theme as a submodule
git submodule add themes/sysmansquadblog_theme

Add Public repo as a submodule. This will make it easier to publish changes than trying to manage prod and dev branches.
git submodule add public

To Launch Website Locally

Run this command from the root of your sysmansquadblogdev folder

cd C:\GitHub\Blog\sysmansquadblogdev  
hugo server -D