This repository provides an autohotkey script, which utilizes
the capslock
as a modifier key.
Because a need to switch case:
- is quite rare,
- may be sutisfied by an IDE function,
and the CapsLock occupies a golden position on a keyboard. Therefore, it makes sence to use it for other purposes.
Also, if you have a minimalistic keyboard, without keys and home/end block, it is a neccesity to have another modifier.
Summary of modified keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl + CapsLock => CapsLock ( switch case )
CapsLock ( + None ) => Esc
CapsLock + h/j/k/l => arrows left/down/up/right, including some combos:
- CapsLock + Shift
- CapsLock + Shift + Alt
- CapsLock + Shift + Ctrl (eg. multiline cursor in vscode)
- CapsLock + Shift + Ctrl + Alt (eg. column (box) selection in vscode)
- CapsLock + Ctrl
- CapsLock + Ctrl + Win (switching desktops in Windows)
- CapsLock + Alt
- CapsLock + Win (moving windows in Windows)
CaspLock + n/m => Home/End
CaspLock + y/u => PageUp/PageDown
CaspLock + </>/? => Delete word-before/word-after/char-after/
CapsLock + i/p => Insert/PrintScreen
CapsLock + 1/../0/= => F1/../F10/F12 (F11 TO-DO)
CapsLock + w/e/r => volume down/up/off
Visualisation is better, right?
Install the autohotkey. Official docs.
choco install autohotkey
Then simply run the script from where ever you have it. It is also possible to start the script
with Windows logon via Task Scheduler
License is MIT.