
Implementation of a state tracker for the game 'Battleship'

Primary LanguageC#


This was developed as a solution to a technical assignment I was tasked with completing.


The classic game of 'Battleship' has the following rules:

  • There are two opposing players.
  • Each player has a 10x10 board.
  • During the setup phase, each player places some number ( >= 1) of battleships on their board.
    • A battleship is represented as a 1-by-n or n-by-1 sequence of grid squares.
    • A battleship must be placed such that it fits entirely on the board.
    • A battleship cannot overlap with another battleship on the same board.
  • After setup, both players alternate taking turns to choose a single coordinate on the opponent's board to "attack".
    • If the opponent contains a battleship at that coordinate, that part of the battleship is "damaged".
    • If all squares occupied by a battleship have been damaged, it is "sunk".
    • The attacker receives information about whether their attack was "hit" or "miss".
  • Players continue to take turns until a player wins by sinking all of the opponent's battleships.


We are not required to implement the full game, only a state tracker for each player.
In particular, we must implement the following functionality:

  • Create a board.
  • Add a battleship to the board.
  • Take an 'attack' at a given position, and report back whether the attack resulted in a hit or a miss.
  • Return whether the player has lost the game yet (i.e. all battleships have been sunk).


This repo contains a Visual Studio 2017 solution with two projects:

  • battleship-board: Contains all functionality. Built as a library; No executable is produced.
  • battleship-board-tests: Contains unit tests to validate the functionality implemented in battleship-board.


Open the solution file at battleship-board\battleship-board.sln and use Visual Studio's inbuilt test runner to execute all tests (From the menu bar: Test > Run > All Tests).