
A simple way to manage, track, update and delete packages with either yarn or npm but in the form of a GUI

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The goal of this project is simple, to provide an easy and clean way for you to manage your Node based projects in which uses with NPM or Yarn.

You can update, delete and add new packages on the fly as this project taps into both the CLI commands and the API to fetch data about your particular project.

How does it work?


When you launch the application we ask you for a directory to your main application. This application should contain either: yarn.lock or package-lock.json and a package.json.

Once you enter the path to your application we then fetch the appropriate data and show you:

Manage Application

From here you can manage the Dev Dependencies and the Core Dependencies. You get to see basic information including version and name and you have the option to update and delete the package.