
AppDynamics Command Line Tool

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

API Commandline Tool

The API Commandline Tool (ACT) is a shell script wrapper around API calls towards an AppDynamics controller.


To use the latest release of ACT just download the raw version of act.sh

Afterwards run act.sh config to provide your controller host and credentials. This will create a configuration file at ~/.appdynamics/act/config.sh, e.g.:


If you want to change your configuration, you can either edit this file or you can re-run the self setup:

act.sh config -f


act.sh integrates different commands to interact with your AppDynamics controller. Call act.sh help to get a full list of commands.

A simple work flow example is listing, exporting and deleting a dashboard:

act.sh dashboard list
act.sh dashboard export 13
act.sh dashboard delete 13

Another example is getting a notification while your on premise controller is starting up. Combine act.sh with the notification tool of your choice (noti, terminal-notifier, ...) or run commands after the controller is running:

noti act.sh controller isup
act.sh controller isup | terminal-notifier
act.sh controller isup ; act.sh applications list

Also, you can use act.sh to easily create custom events, like code deployments:

act.sh event create -s INFO -c "This release fixes some minor issues with the mini cart functionality" -e APPLICATION_DEPLOYMENT -a 145 "Version 3.5.1 released"

If a certain API call is not yet wrapped into a command, you can use controller call as general interface:

act.sh controller call /controller/rest/applications?output=JSON


If you want to use custom plugins with act.sh you can place shell scripts into a plugin folder (default: ~/.appdynamics/act/plugins) and they will be sourced automatically. A command plugin requires the following structure:

function namespace_command {
register namespace_command help text

To send a call to the AppDynamics controller you can use the apiCall helper, that allows you to easily create a subcommand:

function tier_nodes {
  apiCall -X GET "/controller/rest/applications/\${a}/tiers/\${t}/nodes" "$@"

The command act.sh tier nodes will now take two arguments (via -a and -t) and send the given request to the AppDynamics controller.

Since all other sub commands are loaded, you can reuse them in your plugin. Most importantly call_controller to send requests to the controller.

Please note, that your plugins will not be validated, so you can change global behaviour or break the script.


To make working on act.sh easier this git repository includes a very simple build system: The file main.sh is merged with all scripts in the sub directories, that are sourced. So, if you want to build a custom version of act.sh clone this directory, edit main.sh or any of the other files in this repository and run build.sh to update the script. Any changes you made directly to act.sh will be overwritten.


Copyright 2017 AppDynamics LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.