

Primary LanguageKotlin

Simple 3 nodes Cassandra DB

What is it?

This is a little POC exercise to show Cassandra DB in Docker and CRUD operations.

Technologies used

  • Cassandra DB (3 node cluster)
  • Docker
  • Gradle
  • Kotlin

Instructions to run all applications:

  • In the root folder run docker-compose -f dbnodes.yaml up -d - this should spin up 3 instances of Cassandra DB - Please make sure all 3 running before proceeding to the next step (there is a known problem when trying to stand up all instances at once). If one of the nodes dies please re-run the above command.
  • ./gradlew build jibDockerBuild will produce the docker image to your local image repository.
  • Run docker-compose -f capp.yaml up -d - this creates kafka-producer and the spring cassandra app.

Http endpoints:

The Spring Boot Cassandra Application exposes on a number of endpoints: