
How to use Application Insights to do distributed tracing through a Web App, REST API, Function App, Service Bus, Databricks and Data Factory.

Primary LanguageC#


How to use Application Insights to do distributed tracing through a Web App, REST API, Function App, Service Bus, Databricks and Data Factory.


Please note this is a work in progress!


To trace a call through a Web App, REST API, Azure Function (blob trigger event), Azure Function (service bus), Azure Data Factory, Azure Databricks and Spark Notebook.

Sample trace (base upon current work)

alt tag

Here is the pipeline I want build to track telemetry between tiers:

alt tag

  1. A Web App (single page application – aka Angular)

    • The Web App will have App Insights JavaScript on each web page
    • The Web App will have the App Insights SDK
    • The Web App will have App Insights enabled in the Azure Portal under the web app
  2. A REST API (.NET Controller)

    • The REST API App will have the App Insights SDK
    • The REST API App will have App Insights enabled in the Azure Portal under the web app
    • An HTML page delivered by the Web App will use JavaScript to call this REST API to upload/save a CSV to blob storage
    • The REST API will create a Request Telemetry (I’m assuming this is done automatically by App Insights)
      • Set the Telemetry Operation Id
        • QUESTION: Do we get an Operation Id from the Web App? Or is this the starting Operation Id? Since the Web App did not create a dependency, this seems like the start of the process.
      • Set the Telemetry Source (the web app’s app id)
        • NOTE: This will not be set if I decide this is the start of the calls (if this is the start then we never see the web app’s request).
      • Set the Telemetry Parent Id
        • QUESTION: Do we have a parent at this point?
    • The REST API will need to create a Track Dependency
      • Set the Target of the Dependency object to the a string that is "name-of-future-app-insights-account | cid-v1:{GUID of the future app insights app id}"
      • Set the Telemetry Operation Id (assuming at this point it is the Request Telemetry’s Id)
      • Set the Telemetry Operation Parent Id to the Request Telemetry Id
    • The blob will be saved with the following meta-data
      • Request-Context: appId=cid “The App Id of the current App Insights Account”
        • NOTE: A "-" is not allowed. Using RequestContext.
      • Request-Id / traceparent: “The Id of the Track Dependency”
        • NOTE: A "-" is not allowed. Using RequestId.
      • Traceoperation “The Operation Id of the Track Dependency”
  3. An Azure Function detects the blob trigger

    • The function will have App Insights enabled in Azure
    • The Azure Function will create a Request Telemetry
      • Set the Telemetry Operation Id (Blob metadata: Traceoperation)
      • Set the Telemetry Source (Blob metadata: Request-Context)
      • Set the Telemetry Parent (Blob metadata: Request-Id / traceparent)
    • The Azure Function will need to create a Track Dependency
      • Set the Target of the Dependency object to the a string that is "name-of-future-app-insights-account | cid-v1:{GUID of the future app insights app id}"
      • Set the Telemetry Operation Id (Blob metadata: Traceoperation)
      • Set the Telemetry Operation Parent Id to the Request Telemetry Id
    • The function will queue an item in Service Bus
    • The Service Bus JSON will have the following attributes
      • Filename: “The CSV filename”
      • Request-Context: appId=cid “The App Id of the current App Insights Account”
      • Request-Id / traceparent: “The Id of the Track Dependency”
      • Traceoperation: from the blob (Blob metadata: Traceoperation)
  4. An Azure Function monitors Service Bus

    • The function will have App Insights enabled in Azure
    • The Azure Function will create a Request Telemetry
      • Set the Telemetry Operation Id (Service Bus JSON payload: Traceoperation)
      • Set the Telemetry Source (Service Bus JSON payload: Request-Context)
      • Set the Telemetry Parent (Service Bus JSON payload: Request-Id / traceparent)
    • The Azure Function will need to create a Track Dependency
      • Set the Target of the Dependency object to the a string that is "name-of-future-app-insights-account | cid-v1:{GUID of the future app insights app id}"
      • Set the Telemetry Operation Id (Service Bus JSON payload: Traceoperation)
      • Set the Telemetry Operation Parent Id to the Request Telemetry Id
    • The function will trigger an Azure Data Factory job via REST API
    • The Azure Data Factory will have the following parameters
      • Filename to be processed
      • Request-Context: appId=cid “The App Id of the current App Insights Account”
      • Request-Id / traceparent: “The Id of the Track Dependency”
      • Traceoperation: (Service Bus JSON payload: Traceoperation)
  5. The Azure Data Factory job will

    • Since Azure Data Factory does not support Application Insights an Azure Function will be created that handles the Application Insights calls

      • Create an Azure Function called App-Insights-Track-Request that returns a Request Id
        • Parameters: iKey, App Id, string data (want to reuse this function for many ADF processes so pass the ikey and appid)
        • NOTE: This function will NOT have App Insights installed, we do not want to monitor this Azure Function we want it to write the monitoring on our behalf. What I really need is the Start a request, then later on call Stop request with a different call. Can this be done? This is not like .NET or code where we have a “using” block.
      • Create an Azure Function called App-Insights-Track-Dependency that returns a Dependency Id
        • Parameters: iKey, App Id, string data (want to reuse this function for many ADF processes so pass the ikey and appid)
    • Use an Azure Data Factory Web activity call the Azure Function: App-Insights-Track-Request

      • Set the Telemetry Operation Id (ADF Parameter: Traceoperation)
      • Set the Telemetry Source (ADF Parameter: Request-Context)
      • Set the Telemetry Parent (ADF Parameter: Request-Id / traceparent)
    • Use an Azure Data Factory Web activity call the Azure Function: App-Insights-Track-Dependency

      • Set the Telemetry Operation Id (ADF Parameter: Traceoperation)
      • Set the Telemetry Operation Parent Id to the Request Telemetry Id @string(activity('App-Insights-Track-Request').output))
    • Run a Databricks notebook

      • Prerequisite: install Application Insights on Databricks and attach to the cluster.
      • The Databricks Notebook will create a Request Telemetry
    • Set the Telemetry Operation Id (ADF Parameter: Traceoperation)

    • Set the Telemetry Source (Application Insights Account for the ADF <- hard code this or pass as a parameter from Azure Function)

    • Set the Telemetry Parent (@string(activity('App-Insights-Track-Dependency).output))

      • The notebook will process the files
      • The notebook will write a series of events to App Insights
      • The notebook will Stop Request Telemetry
    • Ideally I call “Stop Request” by calling an Azure Data Factory Web activity

Azure Resource List

All resources in East US Created in the below order

Azure Storage

Blob 00disttraceblob

Web Frontend

App Insights 01-disttrace-web-app
App Service 01-disttrace-app-service
Web App 01-disttrace-web-app


App Insights 02-disttrace-web-app
App Service 02-disttrace-app-service
Web App 02-disttrace-web-app

Azure Function

Azure Function - Comsumption Plan - (Blob Trigger)
App Insights 03-disttrace-func-blob
Function 03-disttrace-func-blob (use 00disttraceblob storage account)

Azure Function

Azure Function (Service Bus)
App Insights 04-disttrace-func-bus
Function 04-disttrace-func-bus (use 00disttraceblob storage account)

Azure Data Factory

Azure Data Factory
App Insights 05-disttrace-app-insights (type general)
Data Factory 05-disttrace-adf
Function 05-disttrace-func-helper (use 00disttraceblob storage account


App Insights 06-disttrace-app-insights (type general)
Workspace 06-disttrace-databricks

Service Bus

Service Bus
Bus z07-disttrace-service-bus
  • dotnet new mvc --name MyWebSite

  • cd MyWebSite

  • dotnet restore

  • dotnet build

  • dotnet add package Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore --version 2.5.1

  • dotnet build

  • updated appsettings (Development) with the App Insights Key

  • updated program.cs with .UseApplicationInsights()

  • updated ViewImports and _Layout to add Javascript App Insights

  • dotnet build

  • dotnet new webapi --name MyRESTAPI

  • cd MyWebSite

  • dotnet restore

  • dotnet build

  • dotnet add package Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore --version 2.5.1

  • dotnet add package WindowsAzure.Storage --version 9.3.3

  • updated appsettings (Development) with the App Insights Key

  • updated program.cs with .UseApplicationInsights()

  • dotnet build

  • dotnet run

  • https://localhost:5001/api/values

  • create a service bus queue in the portal (name: appinsightstest)

    • create a sas policy named ai_bus_key that has send and listen access
  • create Azure function in portal (blob trigger) - paste in code 03-disttrace-func-blob.cs

    • add environment variables
    • ai_bus_key
    • ai_storage_key


To do