Run a job in Spark 2.x with HDInsight and submit the job through Livy. The full code is in the zip and the scala files are above for easy reference.
1 - Create a Azure Data Lake Storage account
- Create a root folder called "livy"
- Create a folder under livy called "code" and upload the SparkApp.jar inside of the folder
- Create a folder under livy called "input" and upload the HVAC.csv inside of the folder
- Create a folder under livy called "output"
2 - Create a Spark cluster (Spark 2.x) that uses Data Lake as its main storage and when you create the Service Principle grant acess to the /clusters directory and the /livy directory
3 - Run a job via Livy (open a Windows Bash or Linux prompt)
Read data to/from Azure Data Lake Storage
1 - Type "nano SparkApp1.txt" (or use VI or whatever) and place the below in the file. Change the << >> items.
{ "args":
"className":"com.adampaternostro.spark.example.ADLSIOTest" }
2 - Run the job via Livy. You need to delete your output folder if it exists (e.g. /livy/output/ADLSIOTest)
curl -k --user "admin:<<YOUR-HDI-PASSWORD>>" -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data @SparkApp1.txt "<<YOUR-HDI-CLUSTERNAME>>"
3 - Get the status. The prior command will return a "id": ? (replace the 0 below with the ?) You can run this over and over to see the jobs status.
curl -k --user "admin:<<YOUR-HDI-PASSWORD>>" -v -X GET "<<YOUR-HDI-CLUSTERNAME>>"
4 - Delete the batch
curl -k --user "admin:<<YOUR-HDI-PASSWORD>>" -v -X DELETE "<<YOUR-HDI-CLUSTERNAME>>"
Run a Spark SQL Statement using the Hive metastore
1 - Type "nano SparkApp2.txt" (or use VI or whatever) and place the below in the file. Change the << >> items.
{ "args":
"SELECT * FROM hivesampletable LIMIT 100",
"className":"com.adampaternostro.spark.example.SqlTest" }
2 - Run the job via Livy. You need to delete your output folder if it exists (e.g. /livy/output/SqlTestOut)
curl -k --user "admin:<<YOUR-HDI-PASSWORD>>" -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data @SparkApp2.txt "<<YOUR-HDI-CLUSTERNAME>>"
3 - Get the status. The prior command will return a "id": ? (replace the 0 below with the ?) You can run this over and over to see the jobs status.
curl -k --user "admin:<<YOUR-HDI-PASSWORD>>" -v -X GET "<<YOUR-HDI-CLUSTERNAME>>"
4 - Delete the batch
curl -k --user "admin:<<YOUR-HDI-PASSWORD>>" -v -X DELETE "<<YOUR-HDI-CLUSTERNAME>>"
- Depending on your Spark version the value "file:/usr/hdp/" might change. To get the latest value you can SSH into your HDInsight cluster.
- ssh
- cd $SPARK_HOME/bin
- spark-shell
- sc.getConf.getAll.foreach(println)
- look for: (hive.metastore.warehouse.dir,file:/usr/hdp/ This might change to "spark.sql.warehouse.dir" in the future.