
A REST API for Azure Synapse (SQL DW).

Primary LanguageTSQL


A REST API for Azure Synapse (SQL DW). This will allow you to call a REST interface to perform SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements against a Synapse database. This can also work against a SQL Database with some minor changes to the stored procedure (remove the DISTRIBUTIONs keywords).


  • You have a Synapse database
  • You have a VNET
  • You can create an empty Subnet

Dotnet Core requirements

  • Install .NET Core 3.1.x
  • Install the following packages
dotnet add package Newtonsoft.Json
dotnet add package System.Data.SqlClient
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration

Search and Replace

  • Search for REPLACE_ME and do the replacements

Deploy the stored procedure

  • Run the SP: dbo.SQL_REST_API.sql

Create a sample table (and insert some data)

  • Run the script: dbo.CREATE_STATES_TABLE.sql

Run the code and call the endpoint

  • Install "jq" on Linux to parse the JSON

jsonSQL='{ "operation":"select", "sql":"SELECT TOP 10 StateAbbreviation FROM dbo.States" }'
curl -k -G ${url} --data-urlencode "json=$jsonSQL"

jsonSQL='{"schema" : "dbo", "table" : "States", "operation" : "select", "field-StateAbbreviation" : "", "field-StateName" : "" }'
curl -k -G ${url} --data-urlencode "json=$jsonSQL"

jsonSQL='{ "operation":"select", "sql":"SELECT TOP 10 StateAbbreviation,StateName FROM dbo.States" }'
curl -k -G ${url} --data-urlencode "json=$jsonSQL"

# Using JQ to parse the JSON (escape the *)
jsonSQL$='{ "operation":"select", "sql":"SELECT \* FROM dbo.States" }'
results=$(curl -k -G ${url} --data-urlencode "json=$jsonSQL") 
echo $(echo $results | jq .result --raw-output)
echo $(echo $results | jq .data[] --raw-output)
echo $(echo $results | jq .data[0] --raw-output)
echo $(echo $results | jq .data[0] --raw-output | jq .StateAbbreviation --raw-output)


docker build -t sqlapi .
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name SQLRestAPI sqlapi 

jsonSQL='{ "operation":"select", "sql":"SELECT TOP 10 StateAbbreviation FROM dbo.States" }'
curl -k -G ${url} --data-urlencode "json=$jsonSQL"

Using a Azure Container Registry and Azure Container Instance

  • Create a VNET
  • Create a Subnet (endable Microsoft.ContainerInstance delegation)
  • Create a Container Registry
docker tag sqlapi REPLACE_ME_CONTAINER_REGISTRY.azurecr.io/sqlapi
docker push REPLACE_ME_CONTAINER_REGISTRY.azurecr.io/sqlapi
docker pull REPLACE_ME_CONTAINER_REGISTRY.azurecr.io/sqlapi:latest
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name SQLRestAPI  REPLACE_ME_CONTAINER_REGISTRY.azurecr.io/sqlapi 

Create a Microsoft.Network/networkProfiles

# Login

# Select Subscription
$context = Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
Set-AzContext $context

# Script parameters

# Deploy the ARM template
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name $deploymentName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -TemplateFile azuredeploy.json -Mode Incremental

Deploy the Conatiner Instance (on a VNET)

Get the Network Profile

az login
az network profile list --resource-group REPLACE_ME_VNET_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME_FOR_CONTAINER --query [0].id --output tsv
-- az network profile delete --resource-group REPLACE_ME_VNET_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME_FOR_CONTAINER --name aci-network-profile

Update your deployment file

  • Update the file vnet-deploy-aci.yaml file (in this repo)

Deploy your ACI

az acr private-endpoint-connection list --registry-name REPLACE_ME_CONTAINER_REGISTRY
az container create --resource-group REPLACE_ME_VNET_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME_FOR_CONTAINER --file vnet-deploy-aci.yaml
az container show --resource-group REPLACE_ME_VNET_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME_FOR_CONTAINER --name sqlapiyaml --query ipAddress.ip --output tsv
az container logs --resource-group REPLACE_ME_VNET_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME_FOR_CONTAINER --name sqlapiyaml

Test your ACI (on private subnet)

-- Get your IP address and replace
jsonSQL='{ "operation":"select", "sql":"SELECT TOP 10 StateAbbreviation FROM dbo.States" }'
curl -k -G ${url} --data-urlencode "json=$jsonSQL"

SQL REST Commands

-- Everything has single quotes placed around the values.  SQL Server ignores for numeric data types.

-- This is the supported operations:
-- table: required -> the table to interact
-- operation: required -> valid values: select, insert, delete, update, upsert
-- select: fields -> the fields to select, the values are ignored
--         match  -> the fields and values to which to filter
-- insert: fields -> the fields to insert with their values
--         match  -> is ignored
--         note   -> do not provide any identity columns
-- update: fields -> the fields to update with their values
--         match  -> the fields and values to which to identify the records to update
--         note   -> do not provide any identity columns (they cannot be updated)
-- upsert: fields -> the fields to insert with their values
--         match  -> the fields and values to which to perform the update, if no match then an insert is performed
--         note   -> do not provide any identity columns
-- delete: fields -> not required
--         match  -> the fields and values to which to identify the records to delete

-- The match clause is "optional", but you really need to provide it to prevent actions such as selecting the entire table or deleting an entire table.


  • If you ACR is on private link you need to allow all networks during the ACI deployment
  • You can deploy this code as an Azure Function. This code was done for a private link Synapse instance so ACI on the same VNET was the preferred apporach.