
Strimzi IoT demo for argocd

Demonstrating the IoT Demo

By default, the demo will deploy an example IoT Temperature Sensors Demo. This demo will deploy a consumer facing portal that collects temperature data from simulated IoT devices and processes them.

This demo creates a couple of topics. The first one named iot-temperature is used by the device simulator for sending temperature values and by the stream application for getting such values and processing them. The second one is the iot-temperature-max topic where the stream application puts the max temperature value processed in the specified time window that is then displayed in real-time on the consumer facing dashboard in the gauges charts as well as the log of incoming messages.

As a part of this demo, it is possible to scale up the number of pods in the deployment in order to simulate more devices sending temperature values, each one with a different and randomly generated id. By default this is set at 15 devices.

oc scale deployment device-app --replicas=20

Check out the Official Github for this IoT demo for further detail

Demonstrating IoT Demo in Grafana

As part of the provided Grafana dashboards, you can also view more kafka-specific metrics for the IoT demo by filtering by the iot-temperature or iot-temperature-max topics

Here you can see metrics such as:

  • Kafka broker CPU/MEM usage
  • JVM statistics
  • Incoming/Outgoing byte and message rates
  • Log Size